STEM Role Models

Profile photo of Mayia Vranas:Mayia Vranas
I graduated from Berkeley in 2019 with my bachelor’s degree in physics, and am now a graduate student at UC San Diego doing my PhD in condensed matter physics. My work focuses on studying the properties of novel magnetic materials. While at Berkeley, I was vice president and president of the Society of Physics Students, committed to creating community, giving resources to physics undergraduates, and reaching out to K-12 students and the general public to teach them about physics. I was also part of the UC LEADS program, which allowed me to do undergraduate research in the field I am now pursuing as a graduate student. Outside of physics, I am an avid baker and cook, and I love trying new recipes and learning about the science behind baking.

NERDS has had a tremendous impact on my life, from providing funding that has allowed me to do research to introducing me to an incredible, inspiring community of people from a vast number of backgrounds. Through the UC LEADS program, I did research in my second summer at UC San Diego with the professor who is now my PhD advisor. Because of NERDS, I have grown to be confident in my ability as a scientist.

Mayia Vranas's STEM