STEM Role Models

Profile photo of Hillary Khuu:Hillary Khuu Headshot
My name is Hillary and I'm a computer science major at UC Berkeley -- Go Bears! Last summer, I had the opportunity to intern with the Department of Defense. On campus, I am involved in the Pickering Lab where I assist in teaching bioinformatics modules. Beyond Cal NERDS, I am also involved in Society of Women Engineers, Girls Who Code, Association of Women in EE&CS. I also enjoy mentoring - previously I helped middle school students in CS through ANova and Southeast Asian students through SASC's SEAM program.

Cal NERDS allowed me to find my "academic family"! I'm grateful to be involved as a Student Director where I focus on web editing the STEM resource database along with my other SuperSTARs. I have grown academically and professionally through Cal NERDS, advancing my technology skills while connecting underrepresented scholars like myself to STEM opportunities. Recently, I became a NERDS Python Bootcamp Instructor -- I am passionate about supporting students in the beginning of their computer science journey. I truly appreciate the community I have become part of at NERDS.
Thank you Di, Chris, and NERDS for believing in me!

Hillary Khuu's STEM