"Title","Programs","Communities","Resource URL","Primary Contact Name","Primary Email","Primary Phone","Secondary Contact Name","Secondary Email","Secondary Phone","Description","Timeframes" "African American Student Development (AASD)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://campusclimate.berkeley.edu/students/ejce/aasd","Takiyah Jackson","takiyah.jackson@berkeley.edu","","Melissa Charles","mcharles@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.0096","African American Student Development creates programs and activities that facilitate the retention and graduation of African American students, encourages their matriculation to graduate and professional school, and enhances theiruniversity experiences. Activities include: the Annual Black Student Orientation, Staff-Faculty, and Alumni Partnerships, Exchange Programs, Monthly Community Programs, Kwanzaa, Black History Month, community service/serving learning opportunities, academic support, advising and referral, internships, and freshman orientation classes.","" "American Indian Graduate Program (AIGP)","Student Support Services","Graduate Students","https://campusclimate.berkeley.edu/students/american-indian-graduate-program","Patrick Naranjo","aigp@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.3228","","","","The AIGP Advisory Committee of the American Indian Graduate Program is composed of faculty, staff, students, alumni and tribal community representatives committed to advancing American Indian/Alaska Native graduate education. The committee advises and supports AIGP’s efforts to recruit, retain and advance American Indian Graduate students at UC Berkeley, and enhance university educational climate to achieve these ends. The committee fulfills these functions by supporting: Faculty, student, staff, alumni and tribal commitment to AIGP goals; University and complementary programs that enhance the academic and professional success of American Indian graduate students; Respectful integration of American Indian knowledge, cultures and issues in the mainstream of campus life. AIGP is located at the Inclusive Excellence Hub, 2515 Channing Way. ","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "Asian Pacific American Student Development (APASD)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://campusclimate.berkeley.edu/students/ejce/apasd","Eunice Know","eunicekwon@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.9077","Miya Sommers","miyasommers@berkeley.edu","(510) 664.7714","Asian Pacific American Student Development (APASD) serves the changing needs of Asian Pacific American (APA) students on the UC Berkeley campus. The APASD office provides programs and supports activities that further the educational goals of APA students and enhances their opportunities for academic success.","" "Association of Women in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (AWE)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://awe.studentorg.berkeley.edu/","","aweberkeley@gmail.com","","","president@awe.studentorg.berkeley.edu","","AWE is a student-run organization at UC Berkeley that seeks to empower female and non-binary undergraduate students pursuing Computer Science and/or Electrical Engineering disciplines. AWE hosts a variety of academic, industry, and social events throughout the year to support and connect our members.","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "ASUC Student Union","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://asuc.org/elected-officials/","","asucstudentunion@berkeley.edu","5106647976","","","","The ASUC advocates for students on a University, local, state, and national level and represents the student body on administrative campus committees, in addition to controlling funding for student clubs and organizations, providing resources and student programming, overseeing commercial activities and student services including the Cal Student Store and Lower Sproul Plaza in partnership with the ASUC Student Union.","" "Basic Needs Student Center Economic, Food, and Housing Justice","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Community College","https://basicneeds.berkeley.edu/","Kiyoko Thomas","basicneedssupport@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Basic Needs Center serves as a physical resource hub for basic needs resources and services, and provides a space for students to create community and access coordinated support for their basic needs. Basic Needs is committed to accomplishing food, housing and economic justice on the UC Berkeley campus through a robust model of prevention, intervention and emergency relief efforts.","" "BERET +D","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Teachers","https://calteach.berkeley.edu/scholarships-opportunities/summer-research-institute","","","","","","","You will provide guidance to a group of 4-6 seventh graders in their science class once per week over a 6 or 7 week period, helping these students frame a testable question, design an appropriate experiment, analyze their data, and present their results. Each student (or pair of students) will choose an independent scientific question to explore. Volunteers make a commitment to visit the classroom for one 90-minute class per week for a total of six visits - or for one 48-minute class per week for a total of seven visits at Longfellow Middle School only. https://calteach.berkeley.edu/scholarships-opportunities/summer-research-institute","" "Bergeron Women in STEM Scholarship Program - Cal NERDS","Professional Development - General, Professional Development - Mentoring","Undergraduate Students","https://calnerds.berkeley.edu/programs/bergeron-scholars ","Diana Lizarraga","nerds@berkeley.edu","(510) 778.5165","","","","This scholarship program is designed to empower UC Berkeley upper division STEM students through mentorship and some scholarship support.","" "Berkeley Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship","Professional Development - Mentoring","Graduate Students, Post Docs, Faculty","http://diversity.berkeley.edu/programs-services/postdoctoral-diversity","Mark A. Lawson","ppfpinfo@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Berkeley Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program offers postdoctoral research fellowships, faculty mentoring, and eligibility for a hiring incentive to outstanding scholars in all fields whose research, teaching, and service will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity at the University of California.","" "Berkeley Compass Project","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://accessnetwork.org/compass-uc-berkeley","","compassproject@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Compass Project is a self-formed group of graduate and undergraduate students in the physical sciences at UC Berkeley. Our goals are to improve undergraduate physics education, provide our members with opportunities for professional development, and increase retention of students, especially those from populations typically underrepresented in the physical sciences. Compass fosters a diverse, collaborative student community by providing a wide range of services, including a summer program, courses for freshmen and transfer students, mentoring, a research lecture series, and other academic and social support. Our efforts have been recognized by the American Physical Society, who presented Compass with the 2012 Award for Improving Undergraduate Education.","" "Berkeley Girls in Engineering","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade","http://girlsinengineering.berkeley.edu","Anne Mayoral","gie@berkeley.edu","(510) 643.0694","","","","The Berkeley Girls in Engineering program is a week-long, non-residential summer camp for San Francisco Bay Area girls entering 6th, 7th, and 8th grades to explore different aspects of what it means to be an engineer in a fun, hands-on environment. Girls will learn leadership skills such as goal setting and effective communication, and engage in activities that showcase different engineering disciplines. Participants will also design and create engineering projects throughout the week under the guidance ofBerkeley faculty, staff, and students.","" "Berkeley Hope Scholars","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://www.hope.berkeley.edu/","Charly King Beavers","charlykb@berkeley.edu","(510) 664.7187","","bhs@berkeley.edu","","Berkeley Hope Scholars (formerly the Cal Independent Scholars Network) is the academic retention program at UC Berkeley supporting all incoming freshman, transfer, graduate, and continuing students who are current and former foster youth, probation youth, or were orphaned before the age of 18.","" "Berkeley Institute of Data Science (BIDS)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Post Docs, Faculty","https://bids.berkeley.edu/","Saul Perlmutter","","","David Mongeau","","","Our programs and initiatives are designed to facilitate collaboration across an increasingly diverse and active data science community of domain experts from the life, social, and physical sciences, as well as methodological experts from computer science, statistics, and applied mathematics. Since its launch in 2013, BIDS has cultivated an environment of open inquiry and discovery for data-intensive research. As an integral part of UC Berkeley’s Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), launched in 2019, we continue to seek new and creative ways to cross traditional academic boundaries and engage researchers representing a wide array of disciplines.","" "Berkeley Lab Director’s Apprenticeship Program (BLDAP)","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade","https://k12education.lbl.gov/programs/high-school/BLDAP","Faith Dukes","lbnlnext@gmail.com","","","","","The Berkeley Lab Director’s Apprenticeship Program (BLDAP) for high school students seeks to remove systemic barriers, such as a lack of access to professional networks and work-based opportunities, by providing strong connections to the scientific community at Berkeley Lab. BLDAP is a project-based high school STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) apprenticeship program that will provide an opportunity for underrepresented students in STEM (defined as: African Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Latinos, students from low income households, and first-generation college attendees) to develop 21st century skills, learn about Berkeley Lab’s business and research activities, receive college and career guidance, and develop a STEM network in a real-life work environment.","" "Berkeley Nanosciences and Nanoengineering Institute (BNNI)","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://nano.berkeley.edu/educational/educational.html","Avi Rosenzweig","victorr@eecs.berkeley.edu","(510) 643.6881","","","","The Berkeley Nanosciences and Nanoengineering Institute (BNNI) is the umbrella organization for expanding and coordinating Berkeley research and educational activities in nanoscale science and engineering. The campus has identified nanoscale science and engineering as a top priority and has allocated seven additional faculty positions that will be recruited by interdisciplinary search committees. This is in addition to the significant number of new faculty in nanoscale science and engineering that are being recruited by departments. UC Berkeley has a number of unique strengths in this rapidly expanding field","" "Berkeley Science & Math Initiative","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students, Teachers","http://bsmi.berkeley.edu/","","bsmi@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.4024","","","","The Berkeley Science and Math Initiative is UC Berkeley’s response to the crisis in K–12 science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in California and across the United States. BSMI consists of Cal Teach Berkeley, which prepares undergraduates for K–12 math and science classrooms; and Math for America Berkeley, a professional development fellowship program for veteran Bay Area public school teachers.","" "Berkeley Science Network and Berkeley Science Connections (BSN-BSC)","Professional Development - General, Professional Development - Mentoring","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://bsn.berkeley.edu/about","Colette Patt, PhD","berkeleyscienceconnections@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.0919","","","","The purpose of BSN is to create a comprehensive network (online and interpersonal), which strives to advance under represented students in the mathematica, physical sciences, and computer sciences and eliminate barriers faced by those students. The BSN involves graduate students mentoring undergraduates.","" "Berkeley Scientific Journal","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://bsj.berkeley.edu/","Andrew Delaney","bsj.berkeley@gmail.com","","Varun Upadhyay","bsj.berkeley@gmail.com","","The Berkeley Scientific Journal is the undergraduate science journal of the University of California, Berkeley. Every semester, our undergraduate staff publishes independent research done by undergraduates at UC Berkeley, interviews with faculty around the world, and articles on current issues in science. All research papers are faculty-reviewed, and all interviews are conducted by the staff. The initial purpose of the journal was to provide an official forum through which Berkeley undergraduates could publish their independent research. But since its start in 1996, it has expanded to give the Berkeley scientific community a more in-depth understanding of itself, a broader understanding of how events here at Berkeley affect the world, and vice versa. The focus of the journal is broad, spanning scientific disciplines from ecology to engineering, from astronomy to biochemistry. Our intended audience includes, but is not limited to, UC Berkeley students, faculty, and the surrounding community. Although our published material is primarily related to the campus, many research papers include work done far off campus, and our interviews showcase research that carries implications across the globe.","Fall, Spring" "Bioengineering Scholars Program (BioESP)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://bioeng.berkeley.edu/undergrad/bioesp","Aaron Streets","astreets@berkeley.edu","","Pamela Reynolds","preynolds@berkeley.edu","","BioESP is a success and yield program for bioengineering students designed to increase diversity and representation in the future leaders of Bioengineering. Students may apply to BioESP only after their admission to bioengineering at Berkeley as freshmen or junior transfers and before starting their first semester. The program includes a 1-unit seminar during their first semester, workshops and community events, supplemental advising, and most importantly, 9 weeks of paid, full time research in a faculty laboratory during their first summer. ","" "Biology Scholars Program (BSP)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://bsp.berkeley.edu/","","biology_scholars@berkeley.edu","(510) 643–4746","","","","The Biology Scholars Program works side-by-side with its low-income,first-to-college students to develop their STEM talent and create an academic and career path that aligns their personal and professional identities and values. Our comprehensive approach includes student-centered mentoring, academic support, and advising. Members belong to an inclusive community that is the cornerstone of a rewarding and full college experience for students from all backgrounds. ","" "Black Engineering and Science Student Association (BESSA)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","http://www.ucberkeleybessa.com/","","ucberkeleybessa@gmail.com","","","","","Welcome to the Black Engineering and Science Student Association (BESSA) website! We are the University of California, Berkeley chapter of our parent organization, the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and was founded in 1968. ​Our mission statement is: To increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers and scientists who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community. Newsletter signup","" "Black Graduate Engineering and Science Students (BGESS)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Graduate Students","https://callink.berkeley.edu/organization/gablackgraduateengineeringandscience","","bgess@berkeley.edu","","","bgess.berkeley@gmail.com","","BGESS is dedicated to the nurturing of academic and social support systems for historically underrepresented students in the United States at UC Berkeley. Black Graduate Engineering and Science Students (BGESS) has been established for 31 years with a fourfold mission: recruitment, retention, and professional development of Black graduate students in STEM fields at Berkeley, along with outreach to the local community. Their events and activities focus on delivering on that mission.","" "Bridging Berkeley","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students","http://publicservice.berkeley.edu/programs/bridging-berkeley","Carrie Donovan","bridgingberkeley@berkeley.edu","","Carrie Donovan","carriedonovan@berkeley.edu","","Bridging Berkeley is a math mentoring program that matches UC Berkeley work-study students and volunteers with Berkeley middle school youth, especially those who will be first-generation college students. The middle schools have all transitioned to Common Core math, which emphasizes math models, flexible thinking, and multiple solutions. If you're a creative problem-solver who can support students in thinking big, join us! Work-study mentors must be free at least two days per week at the listed program times and volunteers must be free at least one day per week.","" "Cal NERDS Diversity STEM Center ","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://calnerds.berkeley.edu","Diana Lizarraga ","nerds@berkeley.edu","(510) 778.5165","Chris Noble","cknoble@berkeley.edu","(510) 685.1550","Our student center is a vibrant hub of activity for STEM undergraduate and graduate students to come together and build community and a sense of belonging. We provide access to advising, a place to study, basic needs resources, and STEM related workshops. We also focus on supporting our community’s STEM identity and STEM career path trajectories. Also, housed in our space are several diversity STEM programs that provide research opportunities, professional development, coding, and mentoring.","" "Cal Prep","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade","https://cep.berkeley.edu/cal-prep","","miyahay@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Richmond Aspire California College Preparatory Academy (Cal Prep) is a public charter and early college secondary school, co-founded by University of California, Berkeley and Aspire Public Schools in August, 2005 to propel under-served low-income and first-generation to college students with access to and success in higher education. The school serves approximately 540 students in grades 6-12, with 80% of the students from racial and ethnic groups under-represented in higher education. The student body is 13% African American, 74% Latino/Hispanic, 9% Asian (including Filipino and East Indian students), 4% Multi-ethnic/Caucasian; 16% are English Language Learners, 69% are eligible for free or reduced lunch, and 75% will be first in their families to graduate from college. A UC Berkeley multi-disciplinary committee of faculty and staff, together with Aspire and Cal Prep leadership, work to create a school with high expectations for student achievement—offering a non-tracked college preparatory and early college curriculum—and a culture of support. This collaboration yields just over 50 graduates each year, all headed to a variety of college opportunities.","" "Space Technologies and Rocketry (STAR)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","http://stars.berkeley.edu ","Adnan Kapadia","ucberkeleystar@gmail.com","","","adnankapadia@berkeley.edu","","STAR is UC Berkeley’s competitive high-power rocketry team. Founded in Fall 2015, STAR is comprised of a medley of audacious and wildly curious students with a burning passion for space. We participate in national and international rocketry competitions, as well as focus on different research projects, including creating our own liquid fuel flight vehicles. We help to teach all of our members more about rocketry and help to provide industry experience through our projects. We also focus on community outreach by educating local Bay Area students and residents about aerospace, as well as sponsoring a scholarship for underprivileged women of color to help them go to college! Everyone is welcome to join!","" "Cal Teach","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students","http://calteach.berkeley.edu/","","calteach@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.4024 ","","","","CalTeach is a program for undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors interested in exploring a career in education. Through our courses, students learn conceptual teaching skills and practice these methods in local K–12 classrooms. CalTeach offers the Science and Math Education minor as well as a unique opportunity for students to complete both a bachelor's degree and a California teaching credential as an undergraduate.","" "Cal Veteran Services Center","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","http://veteran.berkeley.edu/","Peer Advisors","veterancenter@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.0083","Prospective students looking for further information and guidance about admission","veteranoutreach@berkeley.edu","","The Cal Veteran Services Center is dedicated to providing programs and services in support of the academic and personal success of student veterans. As a supportive and inclusive community, we are committed to increasing student veteran access to and awareness of campus resources and enrichment opportunities. The center also promotes campus and community engagement and leadership development that enrich and support students' academic and professional goals. The Cal Veteran Services Center carries out the University commitment to access and equity for students and plays a key role in campus outreach and recruitment of student veterans. In-Person Cal Veteran Services Center (102 Hearst Memorial Gym) Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Advising with Luis: https://luishcal.youcanbook.me/","" "Cal-ADAR: Advancing Diversity in Aging Research","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","http://www.populationsciences.berkeley.edu/population-center/programs/cal-adar","Mao-Mei Liu, PhD","mao-mei_liu@berkeley.edu","(510) 643.1270","","","","Cal-ADAR is a program designed to give underrepresented students a chance to experience research as undergraduates while studying demography of aging, which is officially a STEM subject. The program offers participants financial support for up to 3 semesters, a paid summer internship, and a mentored research experience. Trainees also attend a seminar on professionalization skills, and have access to a GSI who provides research support during the semester. Ultimately the goal is to encourage trainees to attend graduate school in a related topic of research and perhaps even become professors themselves.","" "Career Center","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://career.berkeley.edu/","","","(510) 642.1716","","","","Whether you are an undergraduate, graduate student, alum, or employer, the Career Center is eager to help you achieve your goals. No matter what brings you here, our first-class staff, programs, and resources are ready to support you every step along your way. We look forward to assisting students and alumni with career exploration, internship and job searching, and the graduate or professional school application process. Employers, we are very excited to help you recruit our world-class students and alumni. I encourage you all to explore this website and visit us at our vibrant, accessible location in the Lower Sproul neighborhood. We look forward to working with you!","" "College and Career Academy Support Network (CCASN)","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Teachers","https://casn.berkeley.edu/","Tameka McGlawn","dr.mcglawn@berkeley.edu","","","","","Since 1998 CCASN has been working to increase educational opportunities that offer each young person support and guidance, productive engagement in the world outside of school, and preparation for both college and careers. This research-based strategy has been effective for hundreds of thousands of teenagers, including low-income students of color.","" "Chemistry Scholars Program","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Post Docs","http://chemistry.berkeley.edu/ugrad/current-students/scholars-program","Shamava R. Pellum","spellum@berkeley.edu","(510) 643.1745","","","","The College of Chemistry Scholars Program (COCSP) was established in 1991 to promote and advance the educational and career opportunities of students from underrepresented groups in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering. It also seeks to address industry's needs for a diverse pool of individuals qualified for technical employment as well as the societal need to understand the chemical and technical processes that shape our lives. There are two components of the Scholars Program: outreach and retention.","" "Chicanx Latinx Student Development","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://campusclimate.berkeley.edu/students/ejce/clsd","Lupe Gallegos-Diaz","lupeg@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.1802","Gladys Perez","gaperez@berkeley.edu","","The CLSD Office continues to support the personal, academic, and professional growth of Chicanx and Latinx students. We serve both undergraduate and graduate students. Through student-led programs and events, we uplift and celebrate our diverse Chicanx and Latinx backgrounds to add to the richness at Cal. As our newest Cal Osxs, we are thrilled to have you be part of these programs and events. These include, but are not limited to our seminars in Chicanx and Latinx Leadership, Latinos and the Environment, and Casa Magdalena Mora. We also offer workshops on Financial Literacy and Consejos for Navigating Cal from a Chicanx and Latinx perspective. We also value student activism and advocacy on/off campus. And our work is also intergenerational servicing and working with graduate student via Our From Day One: Chicanx and Latinx Men/Femtoring Program for undergraduates that empowers and equips them with the necessary skills to prepare for life after Cal, particularly with applying for graduate/professional schools. And our Cal Chicanx Latinx alumni are our integral partners with our office by partnering in programming and assisting with scholarships and professional advice. Hours Monday: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM Tuesday: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM Wednesday: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM Thursday: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM Friday: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM","" "Comunidad for Health Equity (CHE)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~calche/","","checochair2@gmail.com","","","checochair1@gmail.com","","Formerly known as Chicanxs/Latinxs in Health Education, Comunidad for Health Equity (C.H.E) was established in 1976 by four Chicanx/Latinx students at U.C. Berkeley. The focus was on underserved communities, the diversity of Chicanxs/Latinx in the health field, and a supportive community for Chicanx/Latinx students at Cal. Since then, the club has expanded into a leading Latinx organization on campus. As a part of CHE, members have the opportunity to give back to their community, coordinate and participate in Pre-Health conferences, network with health professionals, and have fun at socials with their fellow CHEistas. Several resources are available for CHE members to make the most out of their time at Cal, ranging from inspiring guest speakers to cafecito study hours. CHE takes pride in hosting events that inspire and motivate underrepresented folks to pursue careers in the health field. Our annual Minorities in Health Conference partners up with other student orgs in order to foster diversity in the health field. Our other major events include our annual Community Health Fair in which CHE interns are given the task of presenting health topics to elementary students in a fun and engaging way. Last but not least, our annual Networking Roundtable Dinner allows CHEistas to network with and gain advice from health professionals from all different fields. CHE is open to inspiring and motivating the Chicanx/Latinx population at Cal. Instagram handle @ucberkeleyche chesecretary@gmail.com","" "Coalition for Education and Outreach (CEO)","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty, Staff, Teachers","http://scienceatcal.berkeley.edu/coalition-for-education-and-outreach/","Laleh Coté ","LalehCote@berkeley.edu","","Kate Spohr","kspohr@berkeley.edu","","The Coalition for Education & Outreach (CEO) is a community of practice centered on science education and outreach. Our members include over 550 science educators and public outreach practitioners who are affiliated with colleges and universities, K-12 schools, museums, science centers, after school programs, and informal science organizations throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. We host the Education and Outreach Google Group and hold professional development forums and networking events. CEO membership is free and open to all.","" "Computer Science Scholars Program","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://eecs.berkeley.edu/cs-scholars","Charlene D. Duncan","cs-scholars-coordinator@eecs.berkeley.edu","510.642.2357","","","","CS Scholars is a first-year student support program intended to serve those from under-represented communities with little or no exposure to Computer Science. A learning community, CS Scholars integrates several components of support to meet the academic, social, and developmental needs of students intending to study Computer Science. Those components include: Cohort-style course discussions CS Scholars only seminars for personal and professional development Solidarity and community-building activities Dedicated CS Scholars Advising Application deadlines are typically in November for Spring and May/June for Fall.","" "Data Scholars","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://data.berkeley.edu/academics/resources/data-scholars","Claudia von Vacano","","","Ani Adhikari","","","Data Scholars addresses issues of underrepresentation in the data science community by establishing a community that is welcoming, educational, and empowering for underrepresented and nontraditional students. Launched in Fall 2016, it is especially suited for students who can bring diverse and positive contributions to the field of Data Science. The program offers specialized tutoring, advising, and workshops in a sequence of three 1-unit seminar courses. Students apply to join the first seminar, Foundations, the semester they enroll in Data 8, and may participate in Pathways and Discovery in subsequent semesters.","" "Destination College Advising Corps (DCAC)","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade","https://dcac.berkeley.edu/","","dcac@berkeley.edu","","","","","Our Mission DCAC increases college access for low-income, first generation and underrepresented high school students by placing highly-trained, recent college graduates in schools as full time College Adviser Fellows. Our Vision To make college a viable option for all students.","" "Disabled Students Program (DSP)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://dsp.berkeley.edu/","","dsp@berkeley.edu","VOICE (510) 642.0518","","","TTY (510) 642.6376","The Disabled Students’ Program (DSP) supports students with disabilities in achieving academic success at the world’s top-ranked public higher education institution. Our staff includes disability specialists, professional development counselors, and accessibility experts that work with students with disabilities throughout their educational career. DSP serves currently enrolled UC Berkeley students with documented disabilities seeking undergraduate and graduate degrees. Additionally, DSP staff collaborates with UC Berkeley faculty, staff, departments, and other campus partners to ensure that all students with disabilities have inclusive and equally accessible educational opportunities at UC Berkeley.","" "Disabled Students Program (DSP) – DSP Scholars (TRiO Program)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://dsp.berkeley.edu/support-services/dsp-scholars","","dspscholars@berkeley.edu","(510) 642-1878","","","","TRIO at DSP is dedicated to supporting Cal student with disabilities, including those from low-income backgrounds. We do so with higher touch services, events and enrichment workshops that cultivate a sense of belonging for TRIO students as well as develop the necessary skill sets to achieve their goals. In doing, we empower our students to exceed their potential while making Cal a more equitable and inclusive university.","" "Diversity STEM Development Professionals - Graduate Diversity Directors","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://diversity.berkeley.edu/programs-services/graduate/office-graduate-diversity/diversity-development-professionals","","","","","","","These STEM Graduate Diversity Directors provide insight, support, and advising for undergraduates interested in coming to UC Berkeley STEM graduate programs and also to current STEM graduate students. Biological Sciences Audrey Knowlton, (510) 642.5113, knowlton@berkeley.edu Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Tiffany Reardon, (510) 642.8791, treardon@eecs.berkeley.edu College of Engineering Meltem Erol, (510) 643.1743, merol@berkeley.edu Physical Sciences Colette Patt, EdD, (510) 642.0794, colette@berkeley.edu School of Public Health Durrain Ansari-Yan, (510) 664.7240, durrain@berkeley.edu","" "Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP)","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade","https://eaop.berkeley.edu/","Claudia Morales","eaop@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.2364","Claudia Morales","moralesc@berkeley.edu","","The Early Academic Outreach Program has partnered with schools, districts, community organizations and families in the Bay Area for over 30 years. EAOP helps prepare students for college by creating a community of young scholars and offering college preparatory advising and academic enrichment opportunities. Our staff serves over 3,000 students from Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco and Solano counties.","" "Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://eop.berkeley.edu/","","advising@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.7224","","","","All EOP students benefit from individualized academic counseling, various support services, and extensive campus referral network. In addition, students who meet the “low-income” criteria are also offered the services and benefits listed under the financial assistance section of our website (including various grants and fee reductions). Students are notified with a confirmation of their EOP status through a Cal Central notification regarding the EOP Survey or a direct email from our office once they are admitted. If you received either of these, please visit our office in 119 Chavez to show confirmation and begin using our services. If you have not received any of these notifications, but feel you meet criteria, the quickest way to be verified is visiting our front office Monday-Friday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm in 119 Cesar Chavez Student Center, calling 510-642-7224, or emailing advising@berkeley.edu. Undergraduates who meet one or more of the following criteria are considered EOP: Low-income: Pell Grant or Dream Act Scholarship eligible as verified by the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office First-generation College Student: Parent(s) have not graduated from a four-year college or university in the United States Historically underrepresented students: African-American, Chicanx/Latinx, Native American Students and/or Pacific Islander Paid opportunities: Student staff and internship, intake team and peer academic counselors","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "Educational Talent Search (ETS)","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Staff","https://cep.berkeley.edu/trio_ets","Keyanna Hatcher","keyannah@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.2312","","","","Educational Talent Search (ETS), one of the largest programs currently funded by the U.S. Department of Education under the Federal TRIO programs, joined UC Berkeley in 1997. With an annual budget of $723,369K, ETS serves three comprehensive high schools in the Oakland Unified School District, three high schools and four middle schools in the West Contra Costa Unified School District. Project History In 1969 a group of students attending the University of California, Berkeley conceived of a program of intensive motivational counseling and tutoring aimed at educationally disadvantaged high school students recognized as the Educational Guidance Center (EGC). In order to secure an operational base, the students approached a local non-profit community service organization. The project was funded through private and public resources. The intent and focus of the program has grown tremendously since 1969. Target Population Students who attend our target school are the focus and in some situations students outside of our target schools. Student must also be a US citizen or permanent resident, with our focus still being to serve disadvantaged high school students. This includes first generation students (parent or guardian has not graduated from a 4-year college) and low income family recognized by the Federal budget.","" "Engineering Machine Shop","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://me.berkeley.edu/resources/student-machine-shop/","","","(510) 642.1338","","","","The Mechanical Engineering Department Student Machine Shop provides mechanical engineering students with a well-equipped, safe working environment in which those students can design and manufacture their projects for engineering classes, research, and mechanical engineering student groups with on-site technical guidance. The shop provides safety training as well as machine operation instruction for the purpose of providing hands-on experience which seeks to balance and complement the strong theoretical education here at UC Berkeley. It serves UC Berkeley Mechanical Engineering students and approved engineering competition teams.","" "Engineering Student Services","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Post Docs, Staff","https://engineering.berkeley.edu/students/#gsc.tab=0","","ess@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.7594","","","","Whether you’re an entering student or preparing to graduate, Engineering Student Services (ESS) can help you optimize your time and maximize your educational experience. We offer programs such as PREP, T-PREP, Transfer Success Ambassadors, Berkeley Mentorship Cohort Program, LeaderShape, Workshops, Engineering Scholars, and Deep Dives. Also we offer academic and peer advising to help you choose a major to picking out the right class to planning your post-graduate. Our extensive support services and high-quality programs will help you navigate your path at Berkeley Engineering and empower you to be your best. We also strive to help students develop skills in leadership, ethics, communication, entrepreneurship, design and wellness through a broad range of courses, co-curricular programs and support services. To find more about our programs follow this link! https://engineering.berkeley.edu/students/programs/ To find more about our advising follow this link! https://engineering.berkeley.edu/students/advising-counseling/","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "Educational Opportunity Program STEM Program (EOP STEM) ","Professional Development - Mentoring","Undergraduate Students","http://eop.berkeley.edu/stem/","Rebecca Robles (EOP/SSS STEM Academic Counselor)","rebecca.robles@berkeley.edu","","Samantha Dong (EOP Assistant Director)","sleewong@berkeley.edu","","The EOP STEM Program was created in order to bridge the needs of historically underrepresented students in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields. By providing one on one support (through the Mentorship Program), leadership opportunities and guidance (professional development workshops, community building social events, and student staff and intern opportunities), we aspire to help the next generation of leaders to accomplish their goals and cultivate a new definition for students in STEM. Further information: EOP STEM APPLICATION EOP Community Space located in MLK B-North (basement level of MLK Student Center) Primary email: eopstem@gmail.com Primary Phone: (510)-642-7224 Make an advising appointment: advising@berkeley.edu Social media: @eop__stem (instagram), eop@calstem (facebook) EOP STEM Living Resource Document ","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "ESPM Graduate Diversity Council","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Graduate Students","https://callink.berkeley.edu/organization/espmgdc","","espm.gdc@lists.berkeley.edu","","","","","The ESPM Graduate Diversity Council is a graduate student group with a vested interest in the continued diversification of the students and faculty of the department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. We work to increase the presence of underrepresented groups in environmental fields through recruitment and retention efforts including workshops, speakers, special presentations, and mentoring. We are committed to creating and maintaining a community among underrepresented groups in ESPM, while actively promoting and engaging in diversity initiatives in the campus community.","" "Expanding Your Horizons (Berkeley chapter)","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Post Docs","https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~eyh/whoweare.html","","eyhberkeleyinfo@gmail.com","","","","","A group of graduate students, post-docs, and undergraduate womxn from a broad range of STEM departments at UC Berkeley (chemistry, chemical engineering, molecular and cellular biology, neuroscience, plant microbial biology, etc). They want to share our passion for STEM subjects with younger womxn and girls, to encourage them to pursue STEM subjects in their future studies and careers. EYH Visions: 1. Provide a forum for girls to engage with womxn involved in STEM 2. Promote interaction with peers in hands-on activities 3. Introduce girls to a variety of STEM careers and encourage them to pursue the exploration of STEM","" "Faculty Diversity Intiatives ","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://diversity.berkeley.edu/programs-services/faculty","Amy Scharf, PhD","ascharf@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.8844","","","","Part of Campus Climate, Community Engagement & Transformation, we work together with faculty members, deans, chairs, and other campus partners to create inclusive academic environments where people of all backgrounds and experiences can succeed, thrive, and contribute to building a better world. Through: Programs and Services Our many programs for faculty and departments are designed to help integrate equity, inclusion, and diversity into all aspects of academic life. Resources for Faculty Resources and campus partners support equity and inclusion efforts among faculty and within academic schools, colleges, and departments. Diversity Research Distinguished faculty in departments and centers across campus take part in innovative research on equity, inclusion, and diversity in their fields.","" "Fannie Lou Hamer Black Resource Center","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://news.berkeley.edu/2017/02/23/we-have-a-space-fannie-lou-hamer-black-resource-center-opens/","","","","","","","In response to disciplined organizing by UC Berkeley’s Black Student Union and its set of demands for institutional change, a new Black student resource center has been established on campus – the latest progress in UC Berkeley’s African American Initiative. The Fannie Lou Hamer Resource Center, named after the Black voting rights activist and civil rights leader, serves the academic, social, cultural and political needs of the campus’ Black community. The center addresses a critical call by students for a safe convening environment, and creates space and opportunity for Black students and organizations to organize and engage in academic, social-cultural, leadership, community development and networking activities. The space will also enhance exchanges with faculty, alumni and community stakeholders. The center is located in the Hearst Field Annex east of Sproul Hall.","" "FEM Tech ","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://femtechberkeley.com/","","","","","","","FEMTech’s mission is to promote gender diversity in the tech industry and inspire women and underrepresented minorities from all majors to excel in technology careers. Through organized seminars, mentorship programs, training workshops, and networking events, FEMTech at Berkeley aims to provide a supportive community for students of all majors and backgrounds to create meaningful connections with like-minded people. We hope to excite new interest in tech and provide support for female and underrepresented students pursuing a career in the tech industry. Our mission is to empower and inspire students and we welcome anyone and everyone who supports FEMTech’s mission.","" "STEM FYI","Professional Development - General","Graduate Students","https://diversity.berkeley.edu/file/1360","","stem-fyi@berkeley.edu","","","","","Program for 1st-year historically underrepresented STEM scholars. Scholars will attend monthly gatherings with continuing graduate students eager to share their advice and strategies for success at Cal. Considering joining an alliance of STEM students of color, women, LGTBQ+, low-income, first-generation, disabled, and undocumented students. Housed in the Office for Graduate Diversity. ","" "Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://campusclimate.berkeley.edu/students/ejce/geneq","Billy Curtis","billyc@berkeley.edu","(510) 643.0788","Christine Ambrosio","ambrosio@berkeley.edu","(510) 643.5727","The Gender Equity Resource Center, fondly referred to as GenEq, is a UC Berkeley campus community center committed to fostering an inclusive Cal experience for all. GenEq is the campus location where students, faculty, staff and alumni connect for resources, services, education and leadership programs related to gender and sexuality. The programs and services of the Gender Equity Resource Center are focused on four key areas: Women* Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer+ (LGBTQ+) Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence Men Through our many programs and services we strive to: Provide a space for respectful dialogue about sexuality and gender Illuminate the interrelationship of sexism, homophobia and gender bias & violence Create a campus free of violence and hate Provide leadership opportunities Advocate on behalf of survivors of sexual, hate, dating and gender violence Foster a community of women and LGBT leaders Be a portal to campus and community resources on LGBT, Women, and the many intersections of identity (eg race, class, ability, etc…) The Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq) is a part of the Centers for Education Justice and Community Engagement, which is a cluster in the Division of Equity & Inclusion, University of California, Berkeley","" "Getting into Graduate School Program (GIGS)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","http://diversity.berkeley.edu/programs-services/graduate/getting-graduate-school","","gigs@berkeley.edu","(510) 643.2103","","","","etting into Grad School (GiGS) is a collaborative partnership between the Office for Graduate Diversity (OGD), and the Graduate Assembly (GA), whose ultimate goal is to encourage and prepare undergraduate UC Berkeley students to select, apply, and enroll in graduate school.","" "The Graduate Assembly (GA)","Professional Development - General","Graduate Students","https://ga.berkeley.edu/","","businessoffice-ga@berkeley.edu","","","internal-ga@berkeley.edu","","The mission of the Graduate Assembly is to improve the lives of University of California, Berkeley graduate students and to foster a vibrant, inclusive graduate student community.The Graduate Assembly is the official representative body of the graduate and professional students at the University of California, Berkeley. The fundamental principles of the Graduate Assembly are the promotion of a vibrant student social life, inclusiveness, activism, community service, educational improvement, and professional development. In service to these principles the Graduate Assembly advocates for students, funds student groups on campus, and directly manages a variety of projects.","" "Graduate Women of Engineering (GWE)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Graduate Students","http://gwe.berkeley.edu/","","","","","","","The Graduate Women of Engineering (GWE) is a GradSWE organization made up of graduate engineering students from all engineering disciplines at the University of California, Berkeley. Our primary purpose is to support all graduate engineering women (in body, spirit or identity — past, present, future, and fluid) in all their engineering endeavors. Throughout the year a number of informal events are held to allow women engineers (and those who support women in engineering) to welcome new students, network, share experiences, develop study groups, discuss issues and just socialize. We are always looking for new faces to join us and welcome any suggestions for new events.","" "Haas Scholars Program","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","http://hsp.berkeley.edu/","Miari Stephens","haas_scholars@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Haas Scholars Program was founded in 1997 through the generous vision of Robert and Colleen Haas. Each year, twenty highly qualified, academically talented undergraduates with financial need come together to build a supportive intellectual community during their final year at UC-Berkeley. Haas Scholars come from all walks of life and every major on campus, but they are united by their desire to strive for excellence--both in their individual academic pursuits, and as an interdisciplinary cohort. (International students and undocumented students are welcome and encouraged to apply.) Applicants are evaluated primarily on the merit and originality of their proposal for an independent research or creative project that will serve as the basis for a senior or honors thesis. Once selected, Haas Scholars receive close mentoring from members of the UC-Berkeley faculty, seminars and workshops to assist them in the research and writing process, the opportunity to present their work at a professional conference, and up to $13,800 each in financial support. Haas Scholar alumni have gone on to become leaders in their respective fields, including academia, medicine, law, industry, the arts, and public service. You are invited to explore this website for an introduction to the community of Haas Scholars, and if qualified, we encourage you to apply to join us!","" "Hispanic Engineers and Scientists (HES)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Post Docs","https://hes.studentorg.berkeley.edu/","","hesberkeley8@gmail.com","","","","","Hispanic Engineers and Scientists is a student organization of the University of California, Berkeley and the UCB Student Chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). HES holds meetings on a weekly basis throughout both semesters. During the fall semester, we focus on the Professional Development Series in preparation for the SHPE conference and recruiting season. During the spring semester, we focus on our Graduate School Series. HES hosts socials, networking nights, professional development workshops, sponsors eligible students to attend conferences, and more! Everyone is welcomed to join! ","" "Identity and Gender Spectrum (IGenSpectrum)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://igenspectrum.berkeley.edu/","","igs@ocf.berkeley.edu","","","","","IGenSpectrum is a student group at UC Berkeley dedicated to improving the visibility and professional preparation of LGBT physicists. Founded in 2014, IGenSpectrum has already hosted a visiting colloquium speaker in a discussion of the challenges facing LGBT scientists; a summer research supplement program for undergraduates; and many social events","" "Iota Sigma Pi - Hydrogen Chapter","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","http://www.cchem.berkeley.edu/iota/welcome.html","","iotasigmapi@gmail.com","","","","","Iota Sigma Pi is the National Honor Society for Women in Chemistry. The Hydrogen Chapter at the University of California, Berkeley is the first chapter, founded in 1902.","" "Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation ","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Post Docs","https://jacobsinstitute.berkeley.edu/","","jacobsinstitute@berkeley.edu","(510) 664.7574 ","","","","The Jacobs Institute sees design and technological innovation as integrally linked: innovation opens possibilities and extends the reach of design, while design links new technologies with human experiences and ensures that innovation truly benefits people and communities. From our home in Berkeley’s College of Engineering, we extend broadly across campus, serving as a welcoming hub: here, engineers, artists, and makers of all kinds and from any program can gather and collaborate. In a space designed to mix students of different disciplines, expertise levels, and modes of engagement, we provide a range of opportunities for hands-on, team-based learning, from courses (DES INV) to independent tinkering (Jacobs Maker Pass), and co-curricular offerings (Innovation Catalysts). Jacobs Institute is also the home of Berkeley MDes, UC’s only professional graduate program in design.","" "Latinx Association of Graduate Students in Engineering and Science (LAGSES) at UC Berkeley","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Graduate Students","http://lagses.berkeley.edu/","","lagses.contact@gmail.com","","","","","LAGSES is an inclusive multicultural organization that strives to increase diversity on campus by recruiting, retaining, and graduating underrepresented advanced degree students in STEM. We aim to provide a support network for minority graduate students by organizing outreach, networking, and community service activities throughout the year. We also organize social events to create a cohesive group of members that extends beyond the academic setting and include other on-campus organizations and nearby universities to amplify our reach.","" "Latinxs and the Environment Initiative","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty","https://nature.berkeley.edu/latinosenvironment/","https://nature.berkeley.edu/latinxenvironment/contact-us/","latinoenvironment@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Latinxs and the Environment Initiative seeks to establish a comprehensive program designed to generate knowledge and encourage increased study and research on Latinxs and the environment- both in the U.S. and abroad with the coordinated participation of policy makers, community based organizations (CBOs) and the academic community.","" "Mariachi Luz De Oro","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://mlo.berkeley.edu/","","ucbmariachi@gmail.com","","","","","Mariachi Luz de Oro is a 100% student-run organization and mariachi band that studies and performs traditional and contemporary Mexican music at the University of California, Berkeley. Created in the Fall of 2012 by Estefania Hernandez and Victor Muratalla, the group has grown to over 25 members and musicians spanning diverse majors and ethnic backgrounds. Reemerging from the COVID-19 pandemic with in-person activities permitted by the University, MLO, under the leadership of Nerissa Julie Cons (class of 2022), grew tremendously in numbers and continued to satisfy the mission of promoting musical and cultural diversity by increasing exposure to the Mexican art form of mariachi. Today, Mariachi Luz de Oro is under the direction of co-chairs Guillermo González and Yvette Fragozo. The group’s current goals include maintaining a performing group that will continue to inspire the lives of Berkeley community members, financing new trajes de charro for all of its musicians, becoming recognized by the university as an official musical ensemble, being appointed a musical instructor or professor by the university, and establishing a Latinx ethnomusicology department and curriculum within the university’s music department. MLO hopes that their efforts will continue to help draw awareness and public support towards achieving these goals as a marginalized student organization on campus. We appreciate your support, muchas gracias! Keep up with Mariachi Luz de Oro @UCBMLO on Instagram!","" "Marvell Nanofabrication Laboratory Opportunities @ NanoLab","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://nanolab.berkeley.edu/public/general/opportunities.shtml","Sharon Norris","sharon_n@eecs.berkeley.edu","","","","","The Marvell NanoLab, located in the CITRIS headquarters building, Sutardja Dai Hall, includes more than 15,000 sq. feet of Class100 and Class1000 cleanroom. The Marvell NanoLab is a shared research center providing more than 100 Principal Investigators and over 500 academic and industrial researchers a complete set of micro and nano fabrication tools. Please contact us if you are a graduate or post doctoral or industrial researcher interested in the capabilities of the Marvell NanoLab. For undergraduates one may find themselves involved with the NanoLab as a shadow for a graduate researcher to visit during business hours. Or, occasionally, positions are available for undergraduates as lab assistants. ","" "Fung Innovation Fellowship","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students","https://fungfellows.berkeley.edu/","","fungfellowship@berkeley.edu","(510) 642-0579","","","","The Fung Fellowship is a model of discovery education at UC Berkeley—an immersive undergraduate learning experience that inspires students to become innovators for social good. Partnering with the School of Public Health and the Rausser College of Natural Resources, the Fung Fellowship currently offers two tracks for students to choose from based on their passion, interest, and desired area for impact (Health & Innovation or Conservation & Innovation). Fellows work to address real-world challenges, engage with communities to understand needs, and develop viable solutions alongside industry and community partners. The Fellowship’s learner-centered approach allows students to co-design their experience from crafting course content to sourcing future projects and collaborators.","" "Math & Physical Science Graduate Diversity Office","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty","https://ls.berkeley.edu/academic-programs/mathematical-physical-sciences/mathematical-physical-sciences-graduate-diversity","Colette Patt, EdD","colette@Berkeley.edu","(510) 642.0794","","","","Partnering with the School of Public Health and the Rausser College of Natural Resources, the Fung Fellowship currently offers two tracks for students to choose from based on their passion, interest, and desired area for impact.","" "Mathematics Undergraduate Student Association (MUSA)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://musa.berkeley.edu/","MUSA","musa.berkeley@gmail.com","","","","","We strive to improve the overall quality of studying mathematics here as an undergraduate, especially by advocating for issues that benefit the entire undergraduate math community, not only the subset that attends our events. Joining MUSA is an excellent way to connect with other math enthusiasts. You can learn about the many opportunities for math students, including little tricks that will help you survive the rigorous math curriculum here. Discord: https://discord.gg/nQ82Fn4S3s Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/musaemail","" "Miller Scholars Program","Professional Development - Research, Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://millerscholars.berkeley.edu/","Luisa M. Giulianetti","lgiulian@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.1772","","","","The George A. Miller Scholars Program provides outstanding community college transfer students the opportunity to develop leadership, research and/or community service skills and apply them in practice. Every year ten low-income, first-generation students are selected based on their leadership potential, academic excellence, and commitment to community service and education. As a close-knit group of students, Miller Scholars participate in the program for two years, receiving individualized personal attention and guidance that helps them transition to UC Berkeley, succeed academically, and develop skills to ensure long-term success. Based on financial need, each year Miller Scholars receive up to $6000 in scholarship for Fall/Spring, and up to $2000 for the summer between year one and two. The students spend an entire academic year developing research and leadership skills while they plan an academic research or community service project, which they conduct under the guidance of a faculty mentor during the spring semester and summer after their first of their first year. The second year of the program prepares scholars for life after graduation: applying for graduate or professional school, or engaging in career preparation and securing a job in their area of interest. Miller Scholars select one of two tracks: academic research or community service.","" "Multicultural Community Center","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://campusclimate.berkeley.edu/students/ejce/mcc","","mcc.community@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.6528","","","","A student-won, student-led space since 2007, the Multicultural Community Center strives to integrate student-driven and community oriented management, decision-making and visioning in everything that we do. The MCC facilitates students’ greater involvement in multicultural-related education, collaborations, and cross/inter-cultural community building by providing: an educational space for the critical study and practice of multiculturalism, a welcoming and inclusive space for students, an alternative space for cultural expression and identity exploration and by building community among Berkeley’s diverse students. Newsletter signup Hours: Mondays - Thursdays 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Fridays 12:00 pm - 6:00pm","" "Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL)","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Teachers","http://multiverse.ssl.berkeley.edu/","","outreach@ssl.berkeley.edu","(510) 643.3936","","","","We are committed to sustaining a vibrant, diverse, inclusive, and supported undergraduate community at SSL. Undergraduate student opportunities at SSL usually offer academic credits through campus programs and department collaborations, or hourly pay via direct hires. To find out more, please visit https://www.ssl.berkeley.edu/undergraduate-opportunities/","" "Native American Student Development","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://campusclimate.berkeley.edu/students/ejce/nasd","Phenocia Bauerle","phenocia.bauerle@berkeley.edu","","","","","UC Berkeley has long been known as a leading institution with outstanding opportunities and academic programs. Students who graduate from Berkeley belong to an elite group of scholars, professionals and activists worldwide. At the Native American Student Development office, we believe that it is time that legacy be indigenized. We work with partners to support and grow the Native community at Berkeley, while continuously infusing indigenous issues, culture and events into the campus community. Our programs and events reflect the values and philosophies we believe will shape our indigenous leaders of tomorrow.","" "NSF Bridge to the Doctorate (B2D) - Cal NERDS","Professional Development - General","Graduate Students","https://calnerds.berkeley.edu/programs/fellowship-program","Diana Lizarraga","nerds@berkeley.edu","(510) 778.5165","Richard Cardullo, PhD (Statewide Director)","cardullo@ucr.edu","","UC Berkeley’s NSF B2D Fellowship program is connected to the NSF LSAMP network of alliances. Through this program, the NSF seeks to continue its goal of increasing the number of ethnically underrepresented students completing STEM doctoral degrees by offering recipients the opportunity to enroll in graduate program without the financial burden. Typically each B2D fellows receives a $37,000 fellowship during their first two years, and the cost of the next three years is paid for by the department (contingent upon availability of funding). Other benefits include advising and advocacy, professional development, conference travel, a supportive community, and access to a diversity student center. Faculty would support students who are part of this fellowship in their Graduate School Studies. This program does not occur every year, as typically it rotates among the UC system. The next opportunity to apply for this NSF grant will be in 2025. Additionally, check our website to learn about other UC campuses that may be applying for this grant yearly.","" "NSF Summer Biology Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","http://mcb.berkeley.edu/nsfreu/","Gian Garriga","reuapplic@lists.berkeley.edu","(510) 642.5859","","","","Individual research projects in participating faculty laboratories in the Departments of Integrative Biology, Molecular & Cell Biology and Plant & Microbial Biology at the University of California at Berkeley.Integrated program of academic and professional development: group tutorials on cell, developmental and evolutionary biology; informal faculty research seminars; workshops on the graduate school application process, life as a graduate student, oral and written communication skills, and career opportunities for Ph.D.s.Mentoring from faculty, graduate students, and postdocs.10 week program (June 10 to August 16, 2019).$5,750 stipend.Paid on-campus housing in International House, includes 19 meals/week.Travel costs reimbursed up to $600.Excursions and social programs highlighting attractions of the San Francisco Bay Area","" "Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare (OFEW)","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty, Staff","http://ofew.berkeley.edu/","Karie Frasch","kfrasch@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.6736","","","","The Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare (OFEW) supports the full participation in academic careers for all academic (non-student) employees, through overseeing and promoting equitable hiring practices, supporting faculty relocation, and supporting faculty over the arc of their careers, including into retirement. OFEW offers professional development programs for faculty including Faculty Link, a faculty-led program designed to build connections and community for senate faculty across campus through events, career mentoring, and support. The office accomplishes this through: -Promoting inclusive hiring practices -Supporting faculty relocation -Developing or proposing academic personnel policies -Conducting cutting-edge research on faculty equity and welfare -Monitoring faculty advancement -Advising faculty about tenure and advancement -Promoting faculty retention by building a vibrant and diverse academic community -Supporting programs and services that contribute to the well-being and creativity of retired faculty and academic staff. -The office also provides information and advice on a variety of issues important to faculty welfare through advocacy and workshops. As part of the Office of the Vice Provost for the Faculty, OFEW works closely with the -Vice Provost for the Faculty, the Academic Personnel Office, and the Budget Committee.","" "Office for Graduate Diversity (OGD)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://diversity.berkeley.edu/programs-services/graduate/office-graduate-diversity","Martha Chavez","martha_chavez@berkeley.edu","(510) 643.2103","Sarah Acosta","s_acosta@berkeley.edu","(510) 643.6010","The Office for Graduate Diversity (OGD) provides support services for prospective and continuing students on the Berkeley campus in an effort to maintain a more diverse graduate student community. The Office for Graduate Diversity serves as a resource for the admissions process, academic support, financial advice, and professional development. It also provides a forum for ideas and programs designed to enhance the educational experience of underrepresented students, including those who are undocumented, first generation college students, and those who are educationally and financially challenged. For over 45 years, UC Berkeley has been committed to encouraging and supporting underrepresented students on the Berkeley campus. The Office for Graduate Diversity was established to provide outreach, confidential advising, and mentoring support to students who seek to obtain graduate degrees at UC Berkeley. Office of Graduate Diversity oversees the Inclusive Hub!","" "Office of Undergraduate Research & Scholarships (OURS)","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://research.berkeley.edu/purpose","","ours@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarships (OURS) is UC Berkeley’s hub for undergraduate research and prestigious scholarships. Established in 1997, OURS seeks to integrate undergraduates more fully into the dynamic and diverse research life of UC Berkeley. The center does so through a wide range of programs, workshops, partnerships, and communication platforms that: inspire and support undergraduates to pursue research; increase undergraduate and faculty collaboration in research; promote existing research activities and programs that exist on and off campus; develop resources necessary to expand undergraduate research opportunities; and prepare undergraduates to apply for prestigious scholarships. The success of our programs and advising demonstrate that Cal’s undergraduates are profoundly transformed through engagement in research projects. You can find their website at Website: https://research.berkeley.edu/","" "Opto-Camp","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students","https://optometry.berkeley.edu/admissions/opto-camp/","","optometry-admissions@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.9537","","","","Open to all undergraduate or recent graduates, Opto-Camp is a five-day virtual program that provides participants with opportunities to learn about the profession of optometry and the process of becoming an optometrist. A goal of Opto-Camp is to provide in-depth information about Optometry as a career track. Students who are underrepresented in the profession and/or first-generation college students are encouraged to apply. Email list sign up: https://optometry.berkeley.edu/admissions/contact-us/join-our-list/","Summer" "oSTEM","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","http://berkeley.ostem.org","","ostem.berkeley@gmail.com","","","","","We are the UC Berkeley chapter of the national oSTEM organization. Our aim is to unite LGBTQ+ students studying STEM to foster a strong professional and social network and to promote LGBTQ+ awareness within the academic and professional communities.","" "Pacific Islander Initiative","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://campusclimate.berkeley.edu/pacific-islander","Angel Halafihi","halafihi@berkeley.edu","(510) 423.8844","","","","The Pacific Islander (PI) Initiative is a student-centered program started through student activism at the University of California, Berkeley. It exists to support folks of Pacific Islander/Pasifika/Oceanian ancestry on campus as well as in the greater Bay Area. The PI Initiative promotes social justice in PI communities by offering programs and resources that uniquely center PI communities. Our goal is to empower PI communities to develop and maintain cultural interests, promote cross-cultural community building, and address disparities by increasing access to relevant and responsive resources.","" "Phi Sigma Rho-Female Engineering/STEM sorority","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","http://berkeley.phisigmarho.org","","president@psr.berkeley.edu","","","","","Close knit sorority of female engineers that operate on the core values of friendship, scholarship, and encouragement. Offers a community that boasts a powerful alumni network as well as a lifelong support group of peer mentors.","" "Physics R&D Machine Shop","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://physics.berkeley.edu/resources/technical-services/machine-shop","Warner Carlisle","warner@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.3667","Gordon Long ","gordonlong@berkeley.edu","","The Physics R&D Machine Shop (M-shop) provides design, construction and maintenance of prototype research equipment to the Physics faculty, students, and postdocs. The M-shop is staffed with one superintendent and three senior machinists. Our capabilities include use of standard and special machine tools, such as the lathe, vertical mill, drill press, grinders, saws, dividing engines, gear hob, precision Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine tools, and Electrical Discharge (EDM) machining, and optical measuring devices. The machinists have the technical knowledge required to manage systems and equipment in the areas of electrical power, mechanical apparatus, ultra high (10-10 ATM cc/Sec He) vacuum, magnetic, computer interfaces, and computer analysis and programming. The shop also provides precision welding of various vacuum chambers and apparatus. They are also knowledgeable in the numerous characteristics and properties of materials involving corrosion, expansion and contraction, yield strengths, compatibility, and thermal transfer. The machinists are well versed in Surfcam and Solidworks software that enables the shop to assist in the design of complex shapes of machined components. The M-shop also runs a Physics Student Machine Shop has been a mainstay in the department for more than 100 years – providing hands-on opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students to learn how to safely operate equipment and how to create the apparatuses necessary for research.","" "Posse Scholars Program","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://ce3.berkeley.edu/posse#posse_contact","Hugo Ramirez","hramirez@berkeley.edu","","","","","Founded in 1989 by Deborah Bial, who thought of the idea of Posse after a student told her, “I would not have dropped out of college if I had had my posse with me.” Started at Vanderbilt University with five students from New York City, all of whom graduated with honors and accolades four years later. Works with 2,200 Scholars in their Campus Program at top-tier colleges and universities throughout the country. Nationally, Posse Scholars have won more than $931 million in scholarships from Posse’s partner institutions. Posse students graduate at a rate significantly above the national average. Given the opportunity to go to college, 70 percent of Posse scholars either have founded an organization or have become president of an existing one. As of May 2015, there are more than 3,100 Posse alumni.","" "Pre-College Academy","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade","https://eaop.berkeley.edu/programs/pre-college-academy","Emerald Young","emeraldy@berkeley.edu","(510) 725.5691","","","","The Pre-College Academy (PCA) is a six-week college preparatory summer program hosted by EAOP at the University of California, Berkeley. For over 35 years PCA has provided intensive preparation for EAOP students enrolled in partner schools throughout the Bay Area. PCA prepares students for their academic and professional futures by providing them with the opportunity to share in the University of California's tradition of educational excellence and diversity. PCA prepares students for success in the following academic year, including preparation for classes that meet the University of California's and California State University's A-G subject requirements. Participants must be enrolled in 9th or 10th grade, attend our partner high schools, and be part of our cohort.","" "Pre-Engineering Program (PREP)","Professional Development - General, College and Transfer Student Preparation","Undergraduate Students","https://engineering.berkeley.edu/student-services/programs/prep","Tiffany Reardon","treardon@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.8791","Luis Castillo","lecastil@berkeley.edu","","The Pre-Engineering Program (PREP) is a three week summer program offered to 60 incoming Berkeley Engineering students. Through PREP students will understand the rigors of Berkeley coursework — specifically in calculus, chemistry, and programming courses. As a PREP student you’ll make friends with fellow incoming students and build a network of peers even before you start classes.","" "NSF LSAMP Pre-PhD Research Program - Cal NERDS","Professional Development - General, Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","http://calnerds.berkeley.edu/programs/camp-scholars ","Diana Lizarraga","nerds@berkeley.edu","(510) 778.5165","Chris Noble","cknoble@berkeley.edu","(510) 685-1550","The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is an NSF-funded program that has two primary goals: 1) to increase the retention and graduation of historically underrepresented minority students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines, such that 2) these students will diversify the nation’s STEM careers. The California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP) is a collaboration of the nine undergraduate degree-granting University of California (UC) institutions. Students gain many advantages through the academic and professional development opportunities that increase retention and degree completion. These include workshops, LinkedIn coaching, career pathway advising, and professional development grants to help support STEM graduate school applications, etc.","" "President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPFP)","Professional Development - General","Graduate Students, Post Docs","http://ppfp.ucop.edu/info/","","ppfpinfo@berkeley.edu","","","","","The University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program was established in 1984 to encourage outstanding women and minority Ph.D. recipients to pursue academic careers at the University of California. The current program offers postdoctoral research fellowships, professional development and faculty mentoring to outstanding scholars in all fields whose research, teaching, and service will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity at UC. This is a postdoc fellowship for graduates only.","" "Professional Development for K-12","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade","http://www.lawrencehallofscience.org/programs_for_schools/professional_development","","lawrenceinfo@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.5132","","","","Our professional development offerings are designed and taught by the same people who have developed the most innovative science and math curricula and methods available today. We offer a variety of outstanding inquiry-based science and mathematics professional development options that exemplify sound teaching strategies and are researched to address the needs of all learners. We connect with over 20,000 teachers annually—regionally, nationally, and even internationally through our collaborations with our partner sites, publishers, school districts from NYC to LA, and partners as distant as Japan and Jordan.","" "Public Service Center","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://publicservice.berkeley.edu/about","","publicservice@berkeley.edu","510.642.3916","","","","The Public Service Center connects Berkeley faculty, community partners, and alumni with student leaders — through jobs, internships, and courses that support a more just and equitable world. The Center also works with faculty and graduate students to integrate community-based learning into teaching and research. Through the Center, students, faculty, and communities work together to promote transformative social change and grow our next generation of civic leaders.","" "Puente","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students, Community College","https://www.thepuenteproject.org/","","info@thepuenteproject.org","(510) 664.9947","","","","Puente's mission is to increase the number of educationally disadvantaged students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn college degrees and return to the community as mentors and leaders to future generations. The program is interdisciplinary in approach, with writing, counseling and mentoring components. Started in 1981 at Chabot Community College in Hayward, California, the program has since expanded to 4 middle schools, 38 high schools and 65 community colleges throughout the state. Puente staff train middle school, high school and community college instructors and counselors to implement a program of rigorous instruction, focused academic counseling, and mentoring by members of the community. Puente's staff training programs have benefited approximately 300,000 students across the state. Puente is open to all students.","" "Python Bootcamps - Cal NERDS","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Community College","https://calnerds.berkeley.edu/events/view/python","Diana Lizarraga","nerds@berkeley.edu","(510) 778.5165","","","","Making coding accessible to diversity STEM undergrad and graduate students. Cal NERDS Python bootcamps provide access to coding to UC Berkeley diversity STEM undergraduate and graduate students. They are offered throughout the year. Each bootcamp is around four hours long and scheduled on the weekends. There are two types of bootcamps covering different topics; Introduction to Python - no prior coding experience needed and python for data science. These workshops are designed for students who don’t have time to enroll in a semester-long course but want coding experience. These bootcamps are made possible by a generous donor named Susan Lyne. Get ready for a career in the tech industry with these skills sets!","" "Rausser College Honors Program","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://nature.berkeley.edu/advising/honors-program","","honors.rcnr@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Rausser College of Natural Resources Honors Program is designed to support undergraduate students interested in developing, executing, and evaluating a year-long independent research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Students who successfully complete the Honors Program will earn recognition at graduation and will also receive a notation of Honors in their major on their diploma. The Honors Symposium, held once each semester, gives all Honors students the opportunity to present their research to fellow students, faculty, Deans, friends, and family.","" "Re-ntry Student Program","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","http://reentry.berkeley.edu/","","reentry@berkeley.edu","","","","","Coming to Berkeley later in life has clear benefits and complications. Because of this, the Re-entry Student Program provides resources and community for students who once deferred their lifelong goal of earning a college degree. Re-entry students (undergraduates 25 and older) bring their life and professional experience to Berkeley along with ethnic, and cultural diversity that powerfully and positively impact our learning environment. Please reach out if more info is needed! There are a number of ways to get connected with the re-entry student community on campus. You can attend one of our weekly OWLs meetings, come utilize the RSP study space in B North, or join our student staff as an intern or peer advisor. Click the link below for our contact information, and don't forget to follow us on Instagram to stay informed about upcoming program events! Hours: Mondays - Fridays 10am - 5pm","" "ReNUWit Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","http://renuwit.org/education/reu-program/","Pamela McLeod - multi-campus partnership","pamelamc@stanford.edu","(650) 724.2923","","","","ReNUWIt’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program engages undergraduate students in ReNUWIt faculty’s research labs (at UC Berkeley, Stanford University, Colorado School of Mines, or University of New Mexico), under the mentorship of ReNUWIt post-docs and graduate students. Participants learn laboratory/field techniques, are immersed in ReNUWIt’s collaborative and interdisciplinary culture, and conduct meaningful research in state-of-the-art facilities. REU participants also interact directly with ReNUWIt faculty and peers, receive professional development training, and experience ReNUWIt’s systems-level approach to addressing the nation’s water issues.","" "Research Exchange","Professional Development - Research","Graduate Students, Post Docs","https://researchexchange.berkeley.edu","Alison Schopmeyer","researchexchange@berkeley.edu","","","","","For the first time, nine of the nation’s most prominent universities (UC Berkeley, Caltech, Stanford, UCLA, University of Michigan, Harvard University, University of Texas, Austin, University of Washington, and Georgia Institute of Technology) are engaging in joint mentorship, scientific collaboration, career development and guidance of advanced PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. The goal of the Research Exchange is to increase the advancement of diverse PhD students and postdoctoral fellows from participating top tier institutions into the most competitive research and teaching careers. To achieve this, we have established the Research Exchange. Through this program, the alliance will sponsor a student or postdoctoral fellow’s visit with a faculty member or research scientist for a short period to learn new techniques, engage in collaborative discussion for innovative problem solving and face-to-face interaction between scientists at any of our participating institutions. The Research Exchange will support a visit to a research group at any of the partner institutions. Visits may last approximately one week and applicants will be awarded up to $1500 for intra-state visits, and up to $2,000 for inter-state visits. The goals of the program are to promote cross-institutional exchange between students and faculty across the alliance institutions, aid students in their search for postdoctoral mentors, help researchers identify future collaborators, and welcome students into the broader scientific network.","" "Respect is Part of Research","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","http://www.respectispartofresearch.com","Wren Suess","info@respectispartofresearch.com","","","","","Respect is Part of Research is a sexual harassment prevention workshop. Trained discussion facilitators lead their peers in small group discussions to eliminate the taboo surrounding discussion of sexual harassment. Their organization began in 2013 in the UC Berkeley Department of Physics, where a group of graduate students wanted to take action to raise awareness and reduce the frequency of sexual harassment in the physical sciences. Since then, they have partnered with the Department of Astronomy to offer graduate students access to the same training given to physics students. They work extensively with the PATH to Care office and the UC Berkeley Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination; their workshop is certified to satisfy the UC Berkeley requirement for in-person SVSH prevention training. Their goal is to create a respectful, positive working environment where everyone can do their best science.","" "RISE - Undocumented Student Support","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://callink.berkeley.edu/organization/RISE","","riseatberkeley@gmail.com","","","","","R.I.S.E. provides support services, leadership training, and promotes collective empowerment of undocumented students at U.C. Berkeley. RISE is a student run organization that develops student leadership skills in organizing from the bottom up to create a safe space for undocumented students on campus. As such RISE consciously does not follow a traditional hierarchical structure in governance. Instead RISE acknowledges every member as having equal power and voice by structuring the group based on a consensus decision making process to allow all members to contribute","" "SACNAS Graduate Chapter","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://berkeleysacnas.wordpress.com/","","berkeley.sacnas@gmail.com","","","","","We are the graduate division of the official SACNAS chapter at the University of California, Berkeley. SACNAS fosters the success of Hispanic/Chicano and Native American scientists – from college students to professionals – to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in science. We share the goals and values of SACNAS, striving to meet them through our various outreach activities. Our chapter seeks to improve recruitment, retention, and success of students underrepresented in STEM fields. We welcome all students who share our goals, no matter their background.","" "Science at Cal","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students, Teachers","https://scienceatcal.berkeley.edu","Dione Rossiter","scienceatcal@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.0352","","","","Science at Cal supports the advancement of the public’s understanding of science. We create opportunities for the UC Berkeley Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) research community to share the wonder, excitement and relevance of their research with public audiences. Accessibility, inclusiveness, creativity and innovation are hallmarks of Science at Cal events, which reach tens of thousands of people annually.","" "STEM Excellence through Equity and Diversity (SEED) Scholars","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://seedscholars.berkeley.edu/home","Ira J. Young","SeedScholars@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.5777","","","","The STEM Excellence through Equity & Diversity (SEED) Scholars program is an honors program focused on supporting and inspiring undergraduates majoring in all areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to pursue graduate degrees. This tight-knit community of diverse undergraduates is interested in engaging in cutting edge, innovative research, and also in changing the face of faculty at colleges and universities across the country after finishing their graduate studies. These STEM scholars will go on to make a difference in all areas of society.","" "Sky Deck","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty","https://skydeck.berkeley.edu/program/","","SkyDeck@Berkeley.edu","","","","","We support startups founded by UC Berkeley students, alumni, and faculty who are seeking to bring their scientific and technical discoveries to market, and commercialize groundbreaking UC Berkeley research. SkyDeck also welcomes startups founded by affiliates of any of the ten University of California campuses, and startups who are located outside the US seeking to connect with students and faculty at UC Berkeley.","" "Society of Physics Students (Berkeley Chapter) - Outreach","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students","https://sps.berkeley.edu/","","ucbsps@gmail.com","","","","","SPS Outreach is an outlet for students to share their passion for physics with others through public science communication! Our goal is to get people excited about the subject and show younger students what a future in it could look like. Some of our main projects include giving science lessons in elementary schools, hosting tours and panels for high school physics students, recruiting prospective students through tabling for on campus events, and more.","" "Society of Women Engineers - Engineering Day","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade","https://swe.berkeley.edu/#/outreach","Kuhu Sharma","swe.highschool.outreach@gmail.com","","Katherine Wang","","","Comprised of high schoolers and a group of dedicated mentors, we aspire to help foster a nurturing environment for high school females to learn and explore their interests in engineering. Our 10-week program takes place every Saturday, from 10 AM to 1 PM, on the UC Berkeley campus. There is no cost, as SWE provides everything, from snacks to materials. However, the students are responsible for their transportation. If this is an issue, please mention it in the application or send us an email. Students may also bring laptops if they are able to.","" "Society of Women Engineers—Mini-University","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade","https://swe.berkeley.edu/#/outreach","Cerise Wong","swe.miniu@gmail.com","","Rachel Xin Ya Burdick","cerisew@berkeley.edu","","Mini-University is a free event in the fall semester designed to encourage underrepresented high school students in the Bay Area to pursue careers in STEM. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with current engineering students and STEM professors, engage in hands-on engineering activities, learn about various STEM career pathways, tour academic labs, and much more!","" "SPECTRUM – Autism at Cal","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://www.spectrumatcal.org/","","spectrumatcal@gmail.com","","","","","Our mission is to foster understanding and create a welcoming and safe community for all those on the Autism spectrum. We host a variety of volunteering, mentoring, and fundraising events throughout the year that help bring further our mission of promoting acceptance and empowering the Berkeley autism community. Some of our major events include our annual Autism Acceptance Week as well as our annual 5k Run/3k Walk. We also volunteer in the community, hold monthly general meeting, instituted a mentorship program in 2017.","" "Sponsored Projects for Undergraduate Research (SPUR)","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://nature.berkeley.edu/undergraduate-research/spur/","","spur@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Sponsored Projects for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) program encourages faculty and undergraduate students in the Rausser College of Natural Resources to collaborate on research projects by providing a grant to support their joint project. The funding for this program is generously donated by Rausser College alumni through the Berkeley Fund for Natural Resources., and is offered in the summer, fall, and spring terms. Click here to see how SPUR has benefited student research and enriched their learning. Students may participate in the SPUR program by applying to a faculty-initiated project or by creating a student-initiated project. Faculty may participate by submitting a faculty-initiated project in which undergraduate researchers could gain useful research experience or by mentoring an undergraduate student with their student-initiated project. Eligible students seeking to gain research experience are encouraged to apply to faculty-initiated projects. The program is designed to provide research opportunities for students with varying levels of research experience. Advanced students who have identified a project or topic that they would like to pursue are encouraged to seek a Rausser College faculty mentor to assist them and apply for funding through a student-initiated project.","" "Student Environmental Resource Center (SERC)","","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Post Docs","https://serc.berkeley.edu/contact/","","serc@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Student Environmental Resource Center (SERC) cultivates a collaborative space to strengthen the collective effectiveness of the sustainability community, and provides resources for students to actualize their visions of a more equitable, socially just, and resilient future. SERC supports students, student organizations, and the larger campus community and surrounding members, through environmental programs, education initiatives, annual events such as Climate Justice Week and Earth, community events, and resources. ","" "LEAD Center","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://lead.berkeley.edu/","","lead@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.5171","","","","The LEAD (Leadership, Engagement, Advising, & Development) Center is UC Berkeley’s hub for student involvement, leadership development, and co-curricular advising. Our goal is to assist students as they explore their interests, pursue their passions, and create community at Cal.","" "Student Learning Center (SLC)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://slc.berkeley.edu/programs","","slc@berkeley.edu","(510) 642-7332","","","","Our mission at the Student Learning Center is to support a global community of learners as they navigate the cultural expectations and academic rigor of UC Berkeley. Through service models that honor their diverse starting points and meet them where they are, we aim to empower all students to realize their full academic potential and aspirations. Within each of our programs, we tap into the power of peer collaboration to foster a learning community where every student can thrive. Our academic programs include mathematics and statistics, science, economics, and writing. Learning support is provided via drop-in tutoring, adjunct courses, exam reviews, and topic reviews. For additional information, please go to slc.berkeley.edu.","" "Student Opportunity Fund (SOF)","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://callink.berkeley.edu/organization/sof","","sof@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.5171","","","","Purpose: The SOF is designed to provide support for events/activities, both co-curricular and educational, for Cal students.—SOF supports programs that foster a greater sense of campus community and that are conducive to free intellectual exchange.—SOF encourages more interaction and educational experiences for students outside of the classroom, such as visiting speakers, forums on topics of general interest, and special campus panel discussions.","" "TRIO Student Support Services (SSS)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://ce3.berkeley.edu/sss","Lorena Valdez","lvaldez@berkeley.edu","","","","","Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded TRIO program serving first-generation, low-income, and disabled students. We are one of four Transfer Student Programs in the Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence (CE3) and work with transfer students from post-admission through graduation. As a TRIO SSS program participant, students benefit from support that is tailored, holistic, and individualized. A team of professional counseling staff and peer advocates work together to assist students with navigating the campus culture and exploring the many possibilities and opportunities that exist. Throughout their time at UC Berkeley, students receive academic assessment and advising; guidance as they establish their individual study plans, aid in selecting their courses and creating academic achievement plans; tutoring and mentoring; regular one-on-one check-ins; and opportunities to participate in several SSS credit bearing courses. Students also have access to personal counseling, financial literacy courses, graduate school preparation, and career services.","" "Study Abroad","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","http://studyabroad.berkeley.edu/connect/about-berkeley-study-abroad","","studyabroad@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.1356","","","","Berkeley Study Abroad (BSA) offers a broad spectrum of opportunities for students to gain first-hand experience living among other cultures while progressing toward their degrees and gaining professional experience. Choose from a diverse array of programs across all the major disciplines in more than 40 countries, including the UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP), Berkeley Summer Abroad, and Berkeley Global Internships programs. Students earn University credit for their participation while enhancing their undergraduate experience. Students can also consider studying abroad to avoid some impacted classes on campus. Options include semester, year-long, and summer programs. Many programs do not require foreign language proficiency. Financial Aid recipients qualify for financial aid assistance while abroad on BSA programs, and scholarships are available for BSA students with financial need. Contact your college advisor to find out how you can fulfill breadth requirements while studying abroad. For more information please explore the links on this page and make an advising appointment through our website guide linked below. Links for the page: Advising Guide (make the primary link for this resource): https://myapp.berkeley.edu/advisingschedule.pdf Berkeley Global Internships Programs (link to page): https://studyabroad.berkeley.edu/globalinternships UCEAP Internship and Research Programs (link to page): https://uceap.universityofcalifornia.edu/programs?f%5B0%5D=experience_type%3A238&f%5B1%5D=experience_type%3A242 UCEAP Programs that offer courses or internships in STEM majors (link to page): https://uceap.universityofcalifornia.edu/programs?f%5B0%5D=disciplines%3A301&f%5B1%5D=disciplines%3A304&f%5B2%5D=disciplines%3A306 Pre-College program (link to page, used for high school admits): https://precollege.berkeley.edu/ Study Abroad Student Stories (link to page/use for role model contact information): https://studyabroad.berkeley.edu/stories?search=&tags=541","" "Suitcase Clinic","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://www.suitcaseclinic.org/","","","","","","","The Suitcase Clinic is a humanitarian student organization and volunteer community that offers free health and social services to underserved populations. Structured around the principles of public health, social welfare, and community activism, it currently operates three weekly multi-service drop-in centers in the city of Berkeley: the General Clinic, the Womxn’s Clinic and the Youth/LGBTQ+ Clinic. In addition to providing services, it strives to educate students, engage in community organization, and support public policy efforts that address homelessness in the local community. We are a group of volunteers, mainly composed of undergraduate students, in a cooperative relationship with the community to serve as advocates for the locally underserved population. We aim to provide continuous aid through health and social services to the homeless and low-income groups, regardless of their ability to pay.","" "Summer Preparatory Seminar","Student Support Services","Graduate Students","http://sph.berkeley.edu/diversity/summer-preparatory-seminar","","sphweb@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Summer Preparatory Seminar is a week-long program intended to prepare students for the transition to graduate-level studies and to life at Berkeley. The seminars focus on academic preparation, such as statistics and writing skills; introduction to key campus resources; and development of important skills such as leadership, conducting effective presentations, and managing stress. EDIT: The Summer and Fall Preparatory Seminars (also called DREAM Seminars) are two separate programs intended to prepare incoming Master of Public Health students for the transition to graduate-level studies and life at Berkeley. The seminars focus on academic preparation, introduction to key campus resources; and development of important skills such as leadership, time management and managing stress. The program also helps create and foster a network for underrepresented students that will serve as a support system for them while in graduate studies at UC Berkeley and beyond. Summer Seminar takes place Monday – Thursday the week before school begins, and Fall Seminar takes place during a 2 hour time slot once a week during the Fall Semester (Fall Seminar). Both of these programs are open to MPH students. The majority of students who apply for the program are historically underrepresented in graduate school, educationally and financially disadvantaged, first-generation college students, or allies who are committed to serving those groups most affected by health injustice. The application for the DREAM Seminars is sent out in the summer to all incoming students who are attending UC Berkeley that subsequent Fall.","" "Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://surf.berkeley.edu/ ","","surf@berkeley.edu","","","","","In addition to receiving funding, summer fellows from all five programs will be assigned to a research cluster, which will meet regularly throughout the summer. In the cluster you will find a community of undergraduate researchers with similar interests and problems. Each cluster is led by a SURF Graduate Student Advisor - an experienced researcher to help guide your efforts. Primary guidance in research will come from individual faculty/graduate student mentors, but most students have found it very valuable to meet with other students who are grappling with related research issues. SURF fellows also have the opportunity to present their research or present a poster at the SURF Conference in August. Conference attendance is required for all fellows. ","" "Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET)","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://scet.berkeley.edu/","","scet-ops@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology is the premiere institution on the UC Berkeley campus for the study and practice of “technology-centric” entrepreneurship and innovation. Since 2005, SCET has created the foundation of Berkeley’s entrepreneurship ecosystem including SkyDeck, the Fung Institute, the Engineering Leadership Professional Program, Global Venture Lab, and an extensive ecosystem of Silicon Valley and Global partners (see our history).","" "American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://www.aises.org/directory/university-california-berkeley ","Fox Stowe","frogger178@berkeley.edu","","Adina Lewis","amarie.674@berkeley.edu","","The American Indian Science and Engineering Society is a national, nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations and other indigenous peoples of North America in science, technology, engineering and math studies and careers. Offers educational programs and scholarships for K-12, undergraduate, and graduate students as well as internship opportunities, networking, and professional development for working professionals. AISES at CAL’s vision is to support Native American students pursuing a STEM degree by building a community in collaboration with other ethnic groups. This community will allow students to advance in their field and receive the necessary preparation and training to enter the professional world or graduate school in the STEM field.","" "The NanoLab / Berkeley High School Intern Program","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade","https://nanolab.berkeley.edu/public/general/outreach/participants.shtml","Bill Flounders","bill@eecs.berkeley.edu","(510) 809.8600","","","","The Berkeley Microlab initiated a High School Intern Program in the summer of 2001. This informal program has sponsored 30 students to date in a 7 week intensive summer research apprenticeship. This program is limited to Berkeley Public High School students. BHS students should contact their AP Chemistry teacher or the UC Berkeley contact below. Initial support was from Faculty Director discretionary funds. The program is presently funded by membership fees from the Berkeley NanoLab’s commercial user affiliate program. ","" "Judith Lee Stronach Baccalaureate prize","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students","https://stronach.berkeley.edu/contact-information","","stronachbaccprize@berkeley.edu","(510) 664.4410","","","","The Judith Lee Stronach Baccalaureate Prize supports intellectual and creative pursuits that heighten awareness of issues of social consciousness and contribute to the public good. The award gives motivated students the opportunity to extend and reflect upon their undergraduate work at Berkeley by undertaking a special project after their graduation. Winning projects are creative in the broadest sense, explore themes of significant interest to holders of the Prize, and strive to further understanding of what constitutes humane and effective participation in our worldwide community.","" "Transfer Alliance Project (TAP)","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Community College","https://cep.berkeley.edu/tap","Esperanza Bernal","ebernal25@berkeley.edu","","","transfer@berkeley.edu","","A highly successful academic advising and enrichment program serving more than 1,000 underserved students at 45 California community colleges. Participants receive support services designed to facilitate their transfer to the University of California and other baccalaureate-granting institutions. Since its founding in 1999, TAP has served over 18,000 students and around 80% of TAP participants who applied to UC Berkeley were admitted to Cal. TAP alumni thrive at UC Berkeley and have been admitted to graduate programs at Harvard, Yale, Brown, Stanford School of Medicine/Law School, Berkeley Law, University of Virginia School of Law, Oxford, and others.","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "Transfer Pre-Engineering Program (T-PREP)","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Undergraduate Students, Community College","https://engineering.berkeley.edu/student-services/programs/t-prep","Tiffany Reardon","treardon@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.8791","","","","Berkeley Engineering’s Transfer Pre-Engineering Program (T-PREP) is an eighteen-day summer program offered to incoming Berkeley Engineering transfer students. The transition from a community college to a major research university can be challenging, and transfer students often underestimate the degree of change. Students who participate in T-PREP will be fully prepared to meet the rigors of being a junior in the College of Engineering. T-PREP is just one of the many support services offered by Engineering Student Services. There are three main thrusts of Berkeley’s Transfer Pre-Engineering Program: Academic component, Professional development component, and Design component. T-PREP students will attend primer seminars, attend career fairs, and work with engineering Professor Scott Moura in the Jacobs Institute of Design Innovation. Working with a team, students will create a prototype using the SPRINT design process. All incoming Berkeley Engineering community college transfer students are invited to apply for T-PREP. The program focuses on the academic issues facing students from groups who are: from non-traditional backgrounds in engineering, first-generation college students, Pell Grant eligible, non-traditionally aged, student parents, and U.S. veterans.","" "Transfer Student Center","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://transfers.berkeley.edu/","","","(510) 642.4257","","","","The Transfer Student Center provides services to assist students who transfer to Cal from other colleges and universities with navigating the academic and cultural landscape of this research university. Our programs and services focus on supporting a successful transition, helping transfers build connections and community, and assisting students as they explore and pursue their academic and career goals. The center plays a key role in campus outreach and recruitment through yield events and participation in programs involving California Community Colleges. We are located in 100 Cesar Chavez Student Building.","" "Transfer-to-Excellence Summer Research Program (TTE REU)","Professional Development - Research, College and Transfer Student Preparation","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Community College","https://engineering.berkeley.edu/tte","","","","","","","The Transfer-to-Excellence (TTE) Summer Research Program is a competitive summer internship for California community college students. This is a residential program consisting of nine-weeks of hands-on research experience in the laboratories of UC Berkeley science and engineering professors. TTE interns also participate in enrichment activities to enhance their preparation and confidence to transfer to a four-year university and pursue a career that applies their technical education. This program is jointly funded by an NSF REU Site grant, the Hopper Dean Foundation, and the College of Engineering.","Summer" "Society of Physics Students (SPS)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://sps.berkeley.edu ","","ucbsps@gmail.com","","","","","In all seriousness, the Society of Physics Students is a student run organization that serves to provide a community for physics majors and physics enthusiasts (i.e. being a physics major is not required!) and connects the undergraduate population of the physics department to the department as a whole! We hold both social and academic events such as faculty-student lunches, undergraduate seminars, department-wide barbeques, movie/video game nights, conferences, panels and more! Moreover, SPS is also involved outreach so as to spread the gospel of physics and science as a whole to the next generation!","" "UC LEADS Research & Leadership Program - Cal NERDS","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","http://calnerds.berkeley.edu/programs/uc-leads","Diana Lizarraga","nerds@berkeley.edu","(510) 778.5165","Chris Noble","cknoble@berkeley.edu","(510) 685.1550","University of California Leadership Excellence through Advanced DegreeS (UC LEADS) program is part of the UC Office of the President's efforts to increase the number of diversity students pursuing graduate degrees in STEM. This undergraduate program provides two summers of faculty mentored research at UC campuses and leadership development.","" "Community College Transfer Services (CCTS)","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Undergraduate Students, Community College","https://cep.berkeley.edu/ccts","Esperanza","transfer@berkeley.edu","(510) 504.5299","","mmowen@berkeley.edu","","UC Berkeley’s Community College Transfer Services (CCTS) provides transfer and academic advising to increase educational access for California community college students who are interested in transferring to UC Berkeley and the University of California. UC Berkeley’s CCTS advisers regularly visit 45 California community colleges to provide individual academic advising, classroom presentations, and transfer workshops for students, as well as in-service training for counselors and special services personnel.","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "Student Parent Center","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://studentparents.berkeley.edu/","","studentparents@berkeley.edu","(510) 643.5729","","","","The Student Parent Center is committed to the holistic support and success of a highly motivated population of undergraduate and graduate students who are engaged scholars, as well as devoted parents at UC Berkeley. The center is a centralized multi-purpose campus resource, where students can seek informed advice, develop leadership skills, engage in informal study groups, nurse babies, change diapers, celebrate achievements, recover from setback, and form lasting friendships. At every level of educational achievement, from high school through PhD programs, becoming a parent can pre-empt or preclude educational opportunities. Sustained efforts over the past 25 years have resulted in the development of Berkeley’s model.","" "Unconscious Bias Project at Berkeley","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty, Staff","http://unconsciousbiasproject.org/","Cat Adams","unconsciousbiasSTEM@gmail.com","","","","","The Unconscious Bias Project is a group of scientists, tech workers, and artists working together to promote diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.UBP is a fiscally sponsored project of Social Good Fund, a tax-deductible 501c3 nonprofit organization (EIN 46-1323531). Our first local chapter is Unconscious Bias Project at Berkeley, a registered student organization at UC Berkeley. We’re grateful for the past support of SYNBERC, the Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center.","" "Undergraduate Laboratory at Berkeley","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://ulab.berkeley.edu/about","Ishna Pandey","ishna13@berkeley.edu","operations@ulab.berkeley.edu","Ting Guo","tingguo20@berkeley.edu","info@ulab.berkeley.edu","ULAB proposes to create an undergraduate “research lab” to gently introduce new students to research at Berkeley as well as provide a social/mentoring experience for already advanced undergraduate researchers to learn from each other and develop professionally. “Lab members” will attend workshops on professional communications or reading research papers, go on tours of campus research labs, listen to talks by professors, and present on their own research work. The program is particularly aimed at students who are interested in research but might not be as aggressive or experienced to seek out these opportunities on their own – ULAB will be the catalyst to kickstart their Berkeley research careers. You can visit their page at: https://ulab.berkeley.edu/","" "Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP)","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://urap.berkeley.edu","Stefanie Ebeling","urap@berkeley.edu","(510) 643.5376","","","","The Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) is designed to involve Berkeley undergraduates more deeply in the research life of the University. The program provides opportunities for students to work with faculty and research staff on the cutting-edge research projects for which Berkeley is world-renowned. Working closely with faculty, students will deepen their knowledge and skills in areas of special interest, while experiencing what it means to be part of an intellectual community engaged in research. The program is open to students from all colleges. https://research.berkeley.edu/urap/","" "Undocumented Student Program (USP)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://undocu.berkeley.edu/","","undocu@berkeley.edu","(510) 664.5348","","","","UC Berkeley’s Undocumented Student Program (USP) — a component of the Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence — provides guidance and support to undocumented undergraduates and graduate students at Cal. USP practices a holistic, multicultural and solution-focused approach that delivers individualized service for each student. The academic counseling, legal support, mental health support, professional development opportunities, financial aid resources and extensive campus referral network provided by USP helps students develop the unique gifts and talents they each bring to the university, while empowering a sense of belonging. The program’s mission is to support the advancement of undocumented students within higher education and promote pathways for engaged scholarship. USP is committed to working with community organizations, universities, and partnering to create access and increase retention for undocumented students in higher education. Phone number: 510.664.5348","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "University-Community Links (UC Links)","Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Staff, Teachers","http://uclinks.berkeley.edu","Charles Underwood","underwood@berkeley.edu","(510) 642.7503","","","","The UC Links Mission: UC Links is a network of university and community partners, working together to develop innovative after-school programs. UC Links sites bring underserved P-12 youth together with university students in guided activities that engage their minds and connect them to each other, their communities, and the world around them.Prepare P-12 young people for higher learning. Improve undergraduate and graduate education. Build sustainable university-community partnerships.","" "Upward Bound (UB)","College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade","https://cep.berkeley.edu/trio_ub","Associate Director Hazel Amina","puanani@berkeley.edu","(510) 643-2312","Pre-College TRIO Director Keyanna Hatcher","keyannah@berkeley.edu","","Upward Bound (UB) is a federally funded TRIO educational program for high school students who are first-generation to college and income-eligible (as defined by federal income guidelines). The Upward Bound program has an annual budget of $850K to serve 169 students in the Oakland and West Contra Costa Unified School Districts. UB provides free services and activities on a year-round basis to motivate and prepare students for success in education beyond high school. Students accepted into the program are expected to remain there until high school graduation and commit seriously to their academic education. Parents/guardians are also expected to make a commitment by attending meetings and ensuring that students meet their program responsibilities.","" "UROC - Underrepresented Researchers of Color","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","http://uroc.berkeley.edu/","","uroc@berkeley.edu","","","","","They serve as a pipeline to increase representation of marginalized students in research programs and grad schools, and seek to build a community of researchers of color. As research is an extremely isolating and exclusive process at this institution, they seek to dismantle this. Furthermore, students of color perform low rates of research at this research institution, alongside research programs on campus having low representation and acceptance rates of students of color. In other words, marginalized students receive little to no mentorship and access to resources to conduct their research/projects. They exist to bridge this gap. UROC events/workshops are open to the public (on or off campus) and held regularly. Part of how they’re cultivating this community is to provide students with necessary tools and resources – such as mentorship, panels/mixers, research methodology workshops, and decolonizing research workshops – for students to envision research that is relevant to their identities and communities with which they’re engaging.","" "Visiting Scholars Summer Research Program – Cal NERDS","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","http://calnerds.berkeley.edu/programs/visiting","Diana Lizarraga","nerds@berkeley.edu","(510) 778.5165","Chris Noble","cknoble@berkeley.edu","(510) 685.1550","This eight week program provides opportunities for Cal NERDS scholars to do STEM faculty mentored research off-campus and also to have a few non-UC Berkeley visiting undergraduates get involved with STEM summer research at UC Berkeley through partnership programs. Graduate school preparation workshops, diversity discussions, community building, GRE preparation and STEM career pathway exploration are important summer program elements. (the GRE preparation is optional and virtual)","" "Women in Animation Berkeley Chapter","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://callink.berkeley.edu/organization/womeninanimation","","","","","","","The Berkeley chapter of the global non-profit, Women in Animation, will strive to encourage the advancement of underrepresented groups, particularly women, in the field of animation. We will be providing on-campus resources, open to any and all interested students regardless of major, gender, etc., in the form of guest speakers and workshops. WIA at Berkeley will be a source of guidance, information, and support for students interested in entering the animation industry.","" "Women in Chemistry Initiative (WICI)","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Graduate Students, Post Docs","https://callink.berkeley.edu/organization/WICI","Kiera Wilhelm","wiciberkeley@gmail.com","","","","","WICI, a non-profit organization founded in 2015, serves as an inclusive social and professional network of graduate and postdoctoral students of all genders and experiences. Our mission is to support the health and wellness of our members and community, as well as to promote women in chemistry and chemical engineering, through events both on campus and in the Bay Area. We believe that providing these opportunities for socialization, discussion, and support will increase the visibility of women in STEM, make connections with our local community, and encourage women to pursue careers in STEM. Since it was founded in June 2015, WICI has attracted more than 250 members, and our social media outreach connects more than 4,000 individuals on Facebook. WICI holds a variety of events every month that have drawn consistently strong attendance. Our programming includes monthly game, trivia, and craft nights, meetups at local restaurants, social and networking hours, and keynote talks from prominent female faculty in chemistry.","" "EDGE in Tech Initiative","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty, Staff","https://edge.berkeley.edu/","","","","","","","In 2017, CITRIS & the Banatao Institute and UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering came together to launch the Women in Tech Initiative at the University of California, building on the prior efforts on behalf of women technologists of Professor Tsu-Jae King Liu and Dr. Camille Crittenden, both of UC Berkeley. EDGE in Tech Initiative (formerly WITI@UC) is committed to addressing the disproportionate participation of women and other under-included identities in engineering and computer science fields by serving as a trusted center and resource that integrates research with action anchored at the University of California. Interdisciplinary research findings will guide our work in:Promoting and sustaining the career growth of women technologists: reducing attrition, supporting career growth in line jobs, increasing technology leadership roles for women in industry and academia. Increasing access to a range of technology workplace settings: established tech companies as well as startups. Coordinating programs (collaboration among the top educational institutions that supply talent to the tech industry in Silicon Valley: the University of California campuses, Stanford University, San Jose State University). ","" "XR@B – Extended Reality Club","Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://xr.berkeley.edu/","","contact@xr.berkeley.edu","","","","","Extended Reality at Berkeley is a student group dedicated to bringing virtual and augmented reality to the campus community. Our club provides students with access to virtual reality equipment and training and charters project teams to explore the applications and implications of virtual reality in diverse fields through research and development. By providing access to hardware and expertise, we aim to lower the barriers to experiencing and developing virtual reality technology. We are partnering with established labs on campus to investigate virtual and augmented reality as tools for robotics control systems, visualization of complex data, and as an interface for the future. We engage with the campus community through project showcases and info sessions. We also run a decal that will teach you how to make your own virtual reality applications. Follow the link below to find out more! https://xr.berkeley.edu/decal/","" "Fully Populated Resource","Professional Development - Research, Professional Development - Mentoring","Undergraduate Students, Staff","https://www.hopstudios.com","Travis Smith","nep@hopstudios.com","604.408.5722","Susie Gardner","susie@hopstudios.com","626.794.9998","Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et augue vitae massa feugiat consectetur. In vestibulum elit non nibh scelerisque tincidunt a vel tellus. Duis vel facilisis eros, et placerat odio. Praesent dictum dolor ac urna gravida, tincidunt fringilla lectus semper. Maecenas ornare est quam, in dictum ligula egestas in. Aliquam sollicitudin mollis massa, nec condimentum odio dictum mollis. Sed eget vehicula ex. Phasellus porta euismod mattis. In malesuada nulla ut felis imperdiet malesuada. Nullam eget magna mattis, mattis dui et, euismod orci. Vivamus posuere justo mi, eu molestie libero ullamcorper sed. Aliquam nulla magna, ornare consectetur congue vitae, porttitor at est. ","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "Resource with the same locations","","","","","","","","","","","" "Berkeley Underground Scholars","Professional Development - General, Professional Development - Research, Professional Development - Mentoring, Student Support Services, Student Led Communities & Clubs, Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment, College and Transfer Student Preparation","Undergraduate Students, Community College","https://undergroundscholars.berkeley.edu/","Michael Cerda-Jara","m.cerdajara@berkeley.edu","","Danny Murillo","jaymurillo@berkeley.edu","","Berkeley Underground Scholars (BUS) creates a pathway for incarcerated, formerly incarcerated and system impacted individuals into higher education. We are building a prison-to-school pipeline through recruitment, retention, and advocacy. BUS is an academic support program housed within the Division of Equity and Inclusion at UC Berkeley. We prioritize our services for formerly incarcerated students. We define system-impacted as a person who is legally, economically, or familially affected in a negative way by the incarceration of a close relative. System-impacted also includes people who have been arrested and/or convicted without incarceration.","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "South Asian, Southwest Asian, and North African (SSWANA) Initiative","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://cejce.berkeley.edu/centers/asian-pacific-american-student-development/programs-initiatives/sswana-initiative","Doaa Dorgham","doaadorgham@berkeley.edu","510-365-4549","","","","The SSWANA Initiative seeks to provide personalized access to resources on campus, accessible programming, promote cross-cultural community building, and advocate for social justice in SSWANA communities through education and empowerment. The SSWANA Living Community offers opportunities to participate in social, cultural, and academic events that highlight the vibrance of SSWANA communities. A live-in Theme Program Resident Assistant (TPRA) provides resources and support for the students’ academic, cultural, and social needs. The SSWANA Themed Program Pilot cultivates a small community experience in a large university by providing a fun and unique space for students to explore their identities through community, education, and empowerment.","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Micromouse","Professional Development - General, Student Led Communities & Clubs, Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment","Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students","https://ieee.berkeley.edu/micromouse/","Harris Thai","hathai@berkeley.edu","(626) 991.9887","","","","The UC Berkeley IEEE Student Branch’s Micromouse DeCal is a hands-on course aimed at undergraduates with an interest in robotics. In the class, teams of ~2 students are formed to build and program autonomous, maze-solving cars that follow the standards set in IEEE’s Micromouse competition. The course assumes no experience and will be based around a series of labs and project milestones that cover a wide range of robotics concepts. The course will expose students to CircuitPython programming, autonomous navigation, sensors, PID, and basic electrical engineering, while preparing them for an in-class competition at the end of each semester. Teams are also provided with the opportunity to qualify for funding to attend competitions among other schools in California and neighboring states. All necessary parts will be provided to students at no cost.","Academic Year (fall & spring), Fall, Spring" "Latinx Business Student Association","Professional Development - General, Professional Development - Research, Professional Development - Mentoring, Student Support Services, Student Led Communities & Clubs, Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment, College and Transfer Student Preparation","Undergraduate Students","https://ucblbsa.org/","Jocelyn Galvan","ucblbsa.president@gmail.com","(408) 314.1503","","","","The Latinx Business Student Association (LBSA) is a non-profit organization at the University of California, Berkeley. LBSA strives to promote success through diversity, develop professionalism within students, and create a 'Familia' beyond Cal. As a Haas-sponsored student organization, LBSA leverages capital to further Latinx representation on campus and ensure that our members have access to the resources they need to thrive.","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "Women in Computing and Data Science","Professional Development - General, Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://berkeleywicds.wixsite.com/sp21","Malavikha Sudarshan","malavikhasudarshan@berkeley.edu","","Tanya Agrawal","tanya.agrawal@berkeley.edu","","Women in Computing and Data Science help female and non-binary students at UC Berkeley improve their technical skills and receive mentorship and networking opportunities from industry professionals. We offer three committees - Machine Learning, Data Science and Projects, for members to gain knowledge and put their skills into practice, through the implementation of personal and client-facing projects.","Fall, Spring" "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)","Professional Development - General, Student Support Services, Student Led Communities & Clubs","Undergraduate Students","https://ieee.berkeley.edu","Brayan Velasco","ieee@berkeley.edu","3108646289","","","","The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is the world's largest technical and professional organization dedicated to the advancement of technology for humanity. We're passionate about connecting engineers with opportunities and empowering our members to break into the tech industry. What Do We Do? Host company "info-sessions" and recruitment fairs Organize workshops, events, and socials for members Participate in IEEE competitions and hackathons Teach two technical student run DeCal courses Member Opportunities Teaching Research Technology industry internships and full-time opportunities Subsidized conference travel National IEEE competitions IEEE Micromouse Competition Professional development and interview skills PCB Design (EE 198: Hands-On PCB Engineering) Robotics (EE 198: Micromouse) IEEE also hosts two classes: HOPE and Micromouse intended to provide students with practical hands on experience in the EE/CS field. HOPE teaches PCB design, which is essential for miniaturizing electronic circuits. Micromouse guides students as they design an entire robotics project from the ground up, building their hardware and software skills. More information can be found on our Decals page. What's In It For You? Aside from access to all of the opportunities above, you will have access to a vast network of students at Berkeley and alumni across the world in a vast array of fields. Additionally, you will be part of an international network of professionals in IEEE through our national organization where you can connect with others on a global scale. Most professors at Berkeley have been involved with IEEE through research, membership, and conferences!","Academic Year (fall & spring), Fall, Spring" "American Chemical Society - UC Berkeley Student Chapter (ACS at Berkeley) ","Professional Development - General, Professional Development - Research, Professional Development - Mentoring, Student Led Communities & Clubs, Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment, College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty","https://acs.berkeley.edu/","","acsberkeley@gmail.com","","","","","We are the student chapter of the American Chemical Society at the University of California, Berkeley. Our goal is to improve the academic and professional development of all undergraduates while fostering a sense of community among our members and the UC Berkeley chemistry community. In order to achieve this, we provide academic & professional resources through info-sessions, workshops, panels & talks, networking events, and mentoring & advising. Social media: @acsberkeley (instagram) ","Academic Year (fall & spring), Fall, Spring" "Data Science Discovery Program","","Undergraduate Students","http://data-science-discovery-program","Anthony Suen","anthonysuen@berkeley.edu","","Data Discovery Program","ds-discovery@berkeley.edu","","The Data Science Discovery program connects undergraduate students at UC Berkeley with data science projects run by industry, government, non-profit, and academic partners. Students will participate in a semester-long project led by the partner, usually in a small team setting. The Data Science Discovery program is under the College of Computing, Data Science, and Society as a resource for undergraduate students to get hands-on data science experience. Students who participate in the Data Discovery program as a student researcher receive academic credit and do not get paid. However we do recruit paid student team members to assist with the operational side of the program as well as paid student consultants to offer technical support to project teams. Applications will be posted on the Undergraduate Student Opportunities Application Hub on the CDSS website before the start of each semester. Our preferred method of contact is through email. Our program email is ds-discovery@berkeley.edu. Anthony Suen is the Program Director, his email is anthonysuen@berkeley.edu.","" "Undergraduate Lab at Berkeley for Physics and Astronomy","","Undergraduate Students","https://undergraduate-lab-at-berkeleu-for-phys-and-astronomy","Rav Kaur","ravkaur@berkeley.edu","","Saahit Mogan","smogan@berkeley.edu","","The Undergraduate Lab at Berkeley, Physics & Astronomy Division is a DeCal that aims to make the transition into undergraduate research as seamless as possible. We believe that research should be accessible to all undergrads within the Physics and Astronomy Departments despite significant barriers to entry for students traditionally underrepresented in academia or without a strong research background. Under the guidance of experienced undergraduate mentors and graduate/postdoc advisors, groups of mentees complete a year long research project on a topic of their interest. During this process, our staff will help mentees are able to make sense of the current literature, isolate a feasible project, and execute projects on a reasonable timescale. In addition, mentors serve as role-models to help demystify the research process. Our program, extends beyond project work. Students attend weekly workshops on essential research skills such as programming, statistics, etc. At the end of our program, students will have gained basic research skills often desired by research labs and will have demonstrated these skills in the process of completing a project of their own from start-to-finish. physics@ulab.berkeley.edu instagram: @ulab.phys.astro","" "MPS Scholars","","Undergraduate Students","https://mpsscholars@berkeley.edu","Claire-Marie Kooi, Associate Director of MPS Scholars","mps_scholars@berkeley.edu","510-664-5021","","","","Mathematical & Physical Sciences (MPS) Scholars is designed to achieve equitable outcomes for all undergraduates who are interested in the mathematical and physical sciences. Launched in fall 2022, MPS Scholars supports students in successfully navigating the physical sciences and mathematics. The initiative is designed to support undergraduate students in achieving their academic goals and ambitions by offering mentorship, academic and professional development, and access to the dynamic, diverse scientific community at UC Berkeley. As MPS Scholars undergraduate students will have access to a network of peers, staff, faculty, and graduate students who will help you succeed as a scientist or mathematician.","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "PREP@Berkeley Postbaccalaureate Training Program in Biosciences","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","http://cend.globalhealth.berkeley.edu/prep/","Julia Schaletzky","jschaletzky@berkeley.edu","5109268236","","","","This is a NIH-funded postbaccalaureate program for underrepresented groups - applicants must have graduated already and aim to go to Graduate school; the program provides a one year fully funded research opportunity in a mentor lab and support for graduate school application. Program is an opportunity to improve lab skills and gain research experience in preparation for Graduate school. Applications in early spring, program starts in June typically.","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "NIH Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC)","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://mcb.berkeley.edu/marc/","","marc-info@berkeley.edu","","","","","Stipend support for two years of research for rising juniors, with additional support for attending a scientific meeting for each year of the program.","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "The Center for Access to Engineering Excellence (CAEE)","Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://engineering.berkeley.edu/caee","Luis Castillo","lecastil@berkeley.edu","","Marvin Lopez","mjlopez@berkeley.edu","","The Center for Access to Engineering Excellence (CAEE) is a program within Engineering Student Services (ESS). The CAEE is a resource hub for all students, namely targeting students in the College of Engineering. We provide tutoring services, targeted coaching, programs that promote equity and inclusion, workshops, a study space, and continue to develop programs as needed. ","Academic Year (fall & spring), All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer), Fall, Spring, Summer" "Research University Alliance","Professional Development - General, Professional Development - Research, Professional Development - Mentoring","Graduate Students, Post Docs","https://researchuniversityalliance.org/","Alison Schopmeyer, RUA Coordinator for Berkeley","aschopmeyer@berkeley.edu","510-642-0919","","","","The Research University Alliance (RUA) is made up of a nine-university partnership that includes Berkeley, Caltech, Georgia Tech, Harvard University, UC Los Angeles, University of Michigan, Stanford University, University of Texas at Austin and University of Washington. RUA’s goal is to diversify the future professoriate nationally by creating robust professional development, mentoring, and networking opportunities.","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)","","","https://asme.berkeley.edu/contact-us/","","asme.cal@gmail.com","","","","","The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a professional engineering organization dedicated to the professional development of engineering students on the Berkeley campus. We help students network with corporations, startups, other professional societies, and their fellow engineers. In addition to our numerous professional events, we also sponsor a number of social events throughout the semester in order to better foster a tightly-knit, positive engineering community.","" "Rausser College Student Resource Center","","","https://nature.berkeley.edu/advising/student-resource-center","","","","","","","The Rausser College Student Resource Center is a physical hub designed to foster academic, educational, and social activity and to provide a supportive environment for daily student life. The Resource Center is conveniently located within the College's Office of Instruction and Student Affairs, which is where students go to for all of their academic advising needs. By providing a wide range of materials pertaining to major/minor and departmental program information, jobs and internships, and graduate programs, and also serving as a central location to hold various programs that support the College’s standards of education, the Resource Center exists to build community for students, staff, and faculty alike.","" "IB Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (IB SURE)","","","https://ib.berkeley.edu/SURE","Jose Pablo Vazquez-Medina","jpv-m@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Integrative Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) supports scholars passionate about engaging in original, hands-on research and exploring graduate school opportunities with IB faculty. The IB SURE is built around three pillars: (1) a sense of community among scholars; (2) engagement with original research; and (3) mentorship.","" "BERKE1337","","","https://berke1337.berkeley.edu","Karen Alarcon","krnalarcn@berkeley.edu","","","","","We are a group of students who are passionate about learning and sharing our knowledge of cybersecurity. We welcome students of any skill level or major. Our goal is to make cybersecurity more accessible and fun for students at Cal. We regularly host and participate in events such as capture-the-flag competitions, technical talks, and industry speakers. There is no application process, just join our Discord to find out when and where we're meeting next. We hope you'll join us and get to learn more about cybersecurity and its opportunities!","" "WISE: Empowering Womxn in STEAM","Professional Development - Mentoring, Student Support Services, Campus Outreach & Public Enrichment, College and Transfer Student Preparation","Kindergarten through 12th grade, Undergraduate Students","https://reslife.berkeley.edu/academics/theme-programs/empowering-womxn-in-steam/","Alyssa Severson - Senior Resident Director","aseverson@berkeley.edu","","Amber Ulmer - Senior Associate Director","arulmer@berkeley.edu",""," WiSE is a Residential Life Theme Program supporting womxn* in STEAM fields. We have 41 residents who participate in a bi-weekly workshp focusing on career development, identity exploration, and community-building. We have a signature event - the WiSE Faculty Dinner - which connects residents to womxn professors in STEAM disciplines. We used to have an academic partner and our seminar was for-credit and we are trying to figure out how to rebuild that.","Academic Year (fall & spring)" "Rose Hills Scholarship (Office of Undergraduate Research & Scholarships)","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://research.berkeley.edu/rose-hills/","Jessica Stewart - Director, Office of Undergraduate Research & Scholarships","jsart@berkeley.edu","","Court Tang - Research & Curricular Program Coordinator, Office of Undergraduate Research & Scholarships","ours@berkeley.edu",""," What Are Rose Hills Summer Scholarships? Rose Hills Summer Scholarships supports sophomores, juniors and seniors conducting STEM-oriented research during the summer months. Students may be either pursuing a faculty-led project or an independent project of their own design. For sophomores, the funding may support their involvement in a faculty-led project. For juniors and seniors, the funding may support research that will lead to a senior honor thesis or capstone project. For graduating seniors, this fellowship allows further development of research that may lead to publication. The scholarship provided selected students with summer stipends of $5,000. ","" "Physics and Astronomy Discover Program","","","","Eugene Chiang - Head Undergraduate Advisor, Astronomy","echiang99@berkeley.edu","","Brianna Franklin Courtney Dressing - Staff Advisor Undergraduate Advisor","bfranklin@berkeley.edu","dressing@berkeley.edu"," Initiated under Berkeley Discover, we run a Peer Tutor program and a Peer Advisor program (both paid). We also work to expand research and career development opportunities through semesterly events and workshops.","" "Island Sustainability Program","Professional Development - Research, Student Support Services","Undergraduate Students","https://www.moorea.berkeley.edu/programs/field-courses/island-sustainability-program","George Roderick - Professor, Instructor of record, Faculty Director, Gump South Pacific Research Station","roderick@berkeley.edu","","Hannah Stewart - Program Director","hannahstewart@berkeley.edu",""," The Spring Island Sustainability Semester, (ESPM 109A-E) studies interdisciplinary topics that encompass sustainability, and is open to students from any discipline. Co-requisite courses include Island and Coral Reef Resilience and Ecosystem Services; Polynesian Culture and Society; Issues in Biodiversity; Environmental Planning, Policy and Management; and Data Science, Communication and Professionalism. ","" "Biology and Geomorphology of Tropical Islands","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students","https://www.moorea.berkeley.edu/programs/field-courses/biology-and-geomorphology-of-tropical-islands","George Roderick - Professor, Faculty Director, Gump South Pacific Research Station","roderick@berkeley.edu","","Stephanie Carlson Albert Ruhi Seth Finnegan Cindy Looy Jonathon Stillman - Professors","smcarlson@berkeley.edu","albert.ruhi@berkeley.edu, looy@berkeley.edu, sethf@berkeley.edu, jstillman@berkeley.edu"," The Fall Moorea Class (ESPM C107/ IB 158LF), Biology and Geomorphology of Tropical Islands, is a rigorous course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE), designed for students in natural science majors and related disciplines. This course has been taught for 30 years.","Academic Year (fall & spring)" "GLOBE Discovery Scholarship","","","https://globe.berkeley.edu/ambassadors/","Olivia Kuo - Director of International Programs ","okuo@berkeley.edu","","Wei Wang Sara Valentine - Program Specialist Assistant Director","weiw@berkeley.edu","sara.valentine@berkeley.edu","Welcoming the spirit of global exploration, the GLOBE Discovery Scholarship, generously sponsored by the College of Engineering at Berkeley, is dedicated to providing financial support for Berkeley Engineering students pursuing internships outside the United States.","" "Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Scholars","Professional Development - Research, Professional Development - Mentoring","Undergraduate Students","","Robbie Powers, Director of Student Services, Civil & Environmental Engineering","cee-scholars@berkeley.edu","","Erin Leigh Inama, Undergraduate Advisor, Civil & Environmental Engineering","cee-ug@berkeley.edu",""," The CEE Scholars program supports students from historically underrepresented communities in civil and environmental engineering. The program aims to foster community, provide academic assistance, and lower barriers to both academic and industry careers. CEE Scholars have opportunities to participate in research and mentorship, gain exposure to the discipline's sub-fields, collect advice for planning a curricular path best suited to their needs, interests, and career goals, and build connections with alumni and other engineering professionals. Additionally, the CEE Scholars cohort have access to additional tutoring sessions and homework help for lower division courses, aiding in the transition to Berkeley.","Academic Year (fall & spring)" "College of Chemistry DEIB Programs","Professional Development - Research, Professional Development - Mentoring","Undergraduate Students","https://chemistry.berkeley.edu/dei/programs","Marissa Yanez, Chief Diversity Officer","marissa.yanez@berkeley.edu","","","",""," The College of Chemistry Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging unit offers the below programs to assist students in the College of Chemistry. Discovery Program Summer Undergraduate Research Diversity Program Chem 49: Support for General Chemistry ","All Year Round (fall, spring, & summer)" "Forestry Field Camp","","","https://forestrycamp.berkeley.edu/","Karina Bencomo, Workforce Development Outreach Coordinator","karina.bencomo@berkeley.edu","","","",""," Forestry Field Camp is an eight-week intensive program that provides an introduction to the scientific and professional dimensions of forest and wildland resource management. Located in the beautiful mountains of the Plumas National Forest, camp provides students a unique opportunity to study the biota, soils, and geology of the Feather River Country. It consists of four courses: 105A, B, C, and D which provide students with 11 semester credits. Forestry Field Camp is a component of the Forestry and Natural Resources program at Berkeley (though students need not be attending Berkeley to attend camp).","" "GLOBE Ambassadors","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students","https://globe.berkeley.edu/ambassadors/","Olivia Kuo, Director of International Programs","okuo@berkeley.edu","","Betsy Gudino, Associate Director","bgudino@berkeley.edu","","The GLOBE Ambassadors program is sponsored by the College of Engineering, providing a free learning and travel program for Berkeley Engineering students. Students are selected by a College of Engineering committee after an application process. All departments in Engineering are considered and the program addresses technology innovation broadly across industry fields to expose students to the range of career opportunities they may not have previously considered or encountered. The program features 5-8 preparatory educational sessions about the target countries, their geopolitical and economic status in a global context, and exposure to a variety of social enterprise, start-ups, corporate, and governmental programs in technology innovation. The preparatory sessions are followed by a trip to the target countries to visit and engage with university research programs, social enterprises and start-ups, large industry, governmental institutions and UC Berkeley alumni.","Academic Year (fall & spring)" "Berkeley Engineering Design Scholars Program","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://jacobsinstitute.berkeley.edu/berkeley-engineering-design-scholar-program/","Janrey Javier","janreyjavier@berkeley.edu","","","","","The Berkeley Engineering Design Scholar Program is a 10-week summer research program open to all continuing UC Berkeley undergraduates in the College of Engineering or with relevant experience in design innovation. The Scholars actively contribute to the growing design ecosystem at UC Berkeley—participating in seminars, workshops, and special events with members of the design community, including their cohort of fellow undergraduate Design Scholars, graduate students, and faculty. In addition, they learn and practice critical skills of making through the Maker Pass program. Scholars also receive a $6,500 stipend. The per week commitment will fluctuate, but students should prepare to be able to commit at least 20 hours/week towards research.","Summer" "Berkeley Mentorship Cohort","Professional Development - Mentoring","Undergraduate Students","","Marcia Breslin Cantillana","marcia_cantillana@berkeley.edu","","Heidi Maqueos","hmaqueos@berkeley.edu","","The Berkeley Mentorship Cohort (BMC) is a year-long program that aims to cultivate an inclusive academic community for diverse groups of engineering scholars at Cal. In efforts to bolster retention and a sense of belonging for members of the Berkeley Engineering community, the BMC establishes a precedent of comprehensive peer and alumni mentorship. BMC includes undocumented, queer, and women in engineering student cohorts, among others, which affirms our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of engineering.","Academic Year (fall & spring)" "Berkeley Physics Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (BPURS)","Professional Development - Research","Undergraduate Students","https://physics.berkeley.edu/student-life/student-support-advising","Kathleen Cooney","kathleen.cooney@berkeley.edu","","Brianna Franklin","bfranklin@berkeley.edu","","BPURS is designed to encourage Physics and Astrophysics majors to engage in research. The Physics and Astronomy Departments will award a monetary stipend to multiple physics and astrophysics majors involved in research with Physics and Astrophysics faculty. Students must apply. Requirements include a proposal, end-of-semester written deliverable, and participation in a poster session in April.","Academic Year (fall & spring)" "Chemistry Undergraduate Teacher Scholars Program","Professional Development - General","Undergraduate Students","https://chemistry.berkeley.edu/ugrad/current-students/teacher-scholars","MaryAnn Robak","mrobak@berkeley.edu","","Peter Marsden","petermarsden@berkeley.edu","","The Chemistry Undergraduate Teacher Scholar Program places undergraduate students as apprentice instructors in lower division laboratory and discussion sections. In a weekly meeting with instructors, participants learn about teaching, review chemistry knowledge, and are coached to mentor students.","Academic Year (fall & spring)"